Chapter 20: WHAT?!

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               Rang my alarm. Oh thank goodness it's the sabbath day. At least i won't feel guilty for not attending service; The creator rested on the sabbath day so, i have to obey the rules.

             I happily sat up on my bed and leaned against my headboard as i took in a deep breath and exhaled. Seeing my phone by my side, i checked the time, 7:02 am. I have enough time to rest, yesterday was really hectic for me.

            I got out of my bed and went to have my bath. On my way there, my eyes subconsciously went to the window. Thick rain clouds had already formed in the sky. I jumped up and up for joy and ran into my bathroom. Nothing beats having a nap while it's raining, the cool breeze caressing my skin. Magical!

           Thinking of that made me nostalgic. Times when i'd lie to my parents about having a difficult homework just so Palmera can come up to my room and play building blocks with me. I miss those times. Truly, adulthood is a bit depressing.

           I kept singing and shouting as i performed before an imaginary crowd in my bathroom, feeling like Beyonce. I finished having my bath and wore back the transparent night wear i woke up with. Got my phone from my side wardrobe, packed my hair into a rough bun, jumped on my bed and started scrolling through my tiktok feed.

          A little while later, i heard a door open and close. It was so close that i was convinced it was my entrance door. I got a bit scared.

         "Nah...that should be my neighbor's door." I said to myself to eliminate the idea of my apartment being haunted. I increased the volume if my phone, to distract my mind from the negative thoughts that was flooding it.

         A moment later, i heard my TV turn on. Different sounds coming from the living room which meant, the channels were changing. I dropped my phone immediately and clutched my bible to my chest.

        "Oh my goodness.....why didn't i go to church? Father, please cover me with the blood of your son, Jesus Christ." I kept saying, adrenaline flowing through my body, tiny sweats formed on my forehead. Surmouning courage, i got off from my bed, holding my bible against my chest, i started walking towards my living room.

           "Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names,..." I chanted as i slowly walked to the living room.

           "that at the name of Jesus!" I shouted. "every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth,..." My heart pounding fast and hard as i was now very close to the living room. I heard my fridge door open and close, goosebumps formed on my skin. I quickly used the back of my hand to wipe the heat on my forehead.

            "and every tongue confess....."

            "That Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Amen." Came a voice from the living room. I stopped and paid attention to the voice. I stormed into the living room to see who it was.

           "Noah?!" I echoed, shocked at how he got in. He was wearing a white branded T-shirt, paired with a pair of black jean shorts. The coils on his hair, getting most of the attention due to the amount of hair cream on it. His presence filled the air with lavender scent. It seems like that's his signature scent. But how come i didn't perceive it? It's so strong.

          "Yes mamacita." He answered with his left hand clutched around a cup of pineapple juice with both of his  legs, crossed on my sofa. He certainly got it from my fridge.

            "How....When....Who..?!" I stammered, trying to ask all the questions at one time.

            "Calm down, Baby girl. How i got in? I broke in. Two, When i got in? Not too long ago. Three, Who showed me your apartment? No one. I dropped you off two days ago, remember?" He answered, staring directly into my eyes as he took a sip.

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