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A bell begins to ring, signalling the end of second period and the beginning of Break. Jorge dismisses us with a wave of his hand, telling us to come back to the classroom after Break, as we all get up and exit.

"I wonder what we'd be having now, if it wasn't the first day." Fawn whispers in my ear, reading my thoughts aloud.

"Me too." I smile. Curious, I pull out my timetable from the pocket of my shorts, and glance at Monday.

"English." I say, wrinkling my nose. There wasn't actually anything wrong with the subject, since I was fine at it and didn't struggle with it. It was just simply boring. 

"Livvy showing another emotion other than happiness?" Thomas somehow ends up on my other side, smirking at me.

"It's like you want me to be sad." I smile, pushing him away playfully. Gosh, he was something else.

"I don't, but it's bit scary how you're smiling all the time." Thomas teases, making his way back towards me. I just roll my eyes at him, to which he replies sarcastically with a gasp and a shocked face.

"Where exactly are we going?" Fawn asks, deciding it's a good time to speak up.

I glance at Thomas, waiting for him to reply. He catches my eye and then we end up staring at each other. When I see he's not going to say anything, I let out a little cough and he shakes his head.

"Ask Minho. He's the one leading us." Thomas shakes his head again.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask, looking around. I see them walking behind us, everyone in their own, little conversation.

"Right behind you." Thomas answers, my head still turned around. I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"No kidding." I turn around, smiling happily. Now that I though about it, I could see why I would seem weird to Thomas, and other people in general.

People just didn't like to smile these days.

"MINHO!" Thomas suddenly shouts, and I jump in shock.

"Could've given me a warning." I grumble, repeating the same words I said to Newt just a day ago.

"When it comes to me, there are no warnings. Whatever happens, happens." Thomas smirks, as Minho walks back towards him.


"Where are we going?" I ask nicely, since I sensed a remark coming out of Thomas.

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