We we're currently at the mall when all hell broke loose. We walked into Chanel & Nicki went crazy. But I'll let you figure out why.

"You bitch, I knew you was fucking lying!" She semi yelled. "But gal mi not lie, mi wa coming back!" The girl yelled back. "No bitch you told me you wasn't coming back bc of some fucking family issues. But funny how I come in Chanel thinking we'd run into Nicholas & his girlfriend. But instead we ran into you." She said.

"I'm sorry best friend." The girl said. "I'm not your fucking best friend. A real best friend wouldn't lie about something so dumb. Just leave me alone Rihanna." Nicki said as Rihanna sighed. Hm so that's Rihanna. That makes sense now.

"Where the hell is Nicholas?" I asked tryna change the subject, but I only made it worse. "Why are you worried about him? Who are you anyways?" Rihanna asked as i scoffed but before I could even say something Nicki was back yelling.

"Bitch, nobody wants Nicholas, he's a fucking child. We're all grown as fuck so loose that damn attitude. Especially when it comes to this one." She said as i lowkey wanted to smile. She was turning me on in some way. "That must be ya bitch or sumn?" She asked. "Bitch??? No this my girlfriend & you will respect her." She said. I know that's right.

"Ohhhh so you like da pussy now?" She asked as I giggled on accident. "I'm sorry, her accent is funny." I said as Nicki smacked her lips. "You're not funny at all. & Rih I can't even be mad at you fr. At the end of the day I don't know your situation but I just wished you would've told me. Is there anything else that I should know, before we continue being friends or whatever?" Nicki said.

"Um... der is one ting. I fucks with Nicholas..." she said as my eyes widened. "Aren't you like 18? That's a whole child. You fucking with a minor. You don't feel no type of way about that? & like I said before where the fuck is he?" I said. That's just nasty & trifling. Nicki was so upset she didn't even say anything. All she did was stare. I noticed she started biting her bottom lip & shaking a little. "No. Tell me you lying." She said as Rihanna shook her head. "Dats da truth Nika." She said. "I can't. I can't do this here. Bey can we just go?" She asked as I nodded. "Yeah come on. We can go somewhere else." I said.

She grabbed my hand & we started walking back to the car. She was squeezing the hell out of my hand. "Um, nic? You're squeezing the fuck outta my hand." I said as she just looked down. "Oh. Sorry." She said lowly as I stopped once we got to the car.

"Talk to me." I said opening the door for her. I waited til she got in & went to the passenger seat. "I just.. it's like... fuck I can't even put it into words." She said in frustration. "Hey look at me. It's okay to express how you feel. That shit was crazy & I know deep down you wanna hurt her, but let's go somewhere. Somewhere that I know that'll calm both of our minds. Cause I have stuff on my plate too that I need to release. Anger. We both do. Especially since what took place earlier. It's still my birthday so I don't want you upset. Let's just go do something crazy." I said as she shrugged.

"Okay like what?" She asked. "Shooting range & zip lining." I said as she just laughed. "Okay we can go to the shooting range cause I never been, but about that zip shit. I can't. I'm like dead ass so scared of heights." She said. "But you flew from Trinidad to here so I don't get it." I said. "Yeah when I was 5. I wasn't worried about shit then but my Hello Kitty. Now I'm 18 worried about your kitty." She said as I laughed. "Okay you could've left the last part out. But okay let's just go shoot shit." I said. "I wanna shoot that bitch. But shooting targets is fine too." She said as I just stared at her.

"You so sexy when you mad." I said as she looked up at me & smiled. "That's the first time you complimented me. I mean like actually compliment me. Without me saying you look good & you being like you do too." She said as I giggled. "Yeah well it's something I have to get sued to again. Cause after me giving out compliments over & over & not receiving the same, I stopped & I just got used to it." I said as she laughed hard. "You giving Jay compliments is crazy. What's there to compliment?" She said as I gasped. "You are so mean yet so true. Damn they do say love is blinding tho. Cause yeah nothing was really attractive about him." I said as she nodded.

"It's fine, you with a bad bitch now." She said. I love her personality so much. "A real bad bitch." I said boosting her confidence as she blushed. "Stop." She said as I frowned. "Stop what?" I asked. "I know I'm pretty but like I'm not that bad. I just be talking shit." She said as I frowned again. "But have you seen you? You are gorgeous. Like high level gorgeous. Girls die to look like you. Like literally & it's scary. I've never met nobody as good looking as you & I'm being so honest. You bad & you need to know it. & ima make sure you know it. & don't get me started on your smile. Your smile always does something to me. You're one of a kind." I said.

She leaned in to kiss me & I took it as my cue to kiss her. I grabbed her neck & deepened the kiss. I've always been the dominant one in my relationships. I dont know why it's just something about it. & Jay ain't have a problem with it so like that makes him lowkey gay right? She smiled & pulled away. "Why'd you pull away?" I asked. "Bc you made me nervous when you grabbed my neck." She said as I frowned. "In a good way or bad way?" I asked. "Good ofc. Why'd it be bad?" She asked. "Nothing I just thought, maybe it triggered something. But never mind now that I know the difference." I said as she just nodded.

2 hours later
We we're currently finishing up at the shooting range but they gave us free alcohol so I was giggly as fuck. But Nicki was still acting like she was in on of them bad boys movies 😭. "Ima do that bitch like this." She yelled as the gun went off over & over. I don't know why but I was laughing so much. "You are so funny. Do it again!" I yelled back. We could barely hear each other due to the gun sounds.

"You need to chill. You turning red." She said as I pouted. "No I'm not! Look at me, I'm sexy." I said. "Okay sexy red." She said as I laughed. "Who's sexy red?" I asked. "You." She said. "No, that's some girl I be hearing listening to. She be talking ab bae I love youuuuuu you my everythinggggg. That's my shit tho." I said as she nodded. "Yeah but you ready to go? It's late now & we still have to eat." She said as I nodded. "Yesssss." I said. I love food. It's my favorite thing. Well other than Nicki.

She put her gun down & walked over to me. "Give me your keys." She said. "NO!" I yelled. She sighed & hugged me. "What are you doing?" I asked as I felt her hands go in my back pockets. I felt her grab my keys & pull away from me. "If you wanted to grab my ass you could've just did it." I said rolling my eyes. "What? I wanted your keys." She said. "You don't have to lie to me baby. I'll still love you." I said as she laughed. "Yeah it's time to go." She said as I skipped behind her. "You got a fat ass. You got long ass hair. You got a pretty ass face. You got..." I yelled getting cut off. "Okayyyy I get it. Damn. Stop yelling. Everyone doesn't wanna know what you're talking about." She said as I laughed. "Whew shit. It's so hot out here. I need to get naked." I said.

"Beyoncé. Baby listen. It's 65 degrees out here. We are in New York, where it snows all the fucking time. Be happy it's this temperature bc that winter breeze gone knock ya ass over. & what do you mean get naked? You barely have a shirt on." She said. Well she clocked my tea. "CLOCK ITTTT!!" I yelled as she just kept walking to the car. "Walk up before I leave you." She said. "I'm a grown lady. I shouldn't be listening to you. I'm gonna take my shirt off if I want to. I'm 19. Omg I'm getting old." I said. "Shut the hell up please." She yelled as I frowned.

"Don't yell at me baby. I just wanna love you." I said as my voice cracked & I felt tears coming. She opened my door & looked back at me. "Are you crying?" She asked. "I knew you didn't love me. Take me home. Now." I said. "What the fuck are you talking about?" She asked.

Beyoncé was giving me the whole inside out part one, 2, & fucking 3. Like damn baby 4 shots of that Dussè got you feeling like thissss? "Baby I'm sorry. Let's go home." She said grabbing the sides of my face. "Um okayyyy. We can have dinner tomorrow. You're obviously not fit to go tonight." I said as she just attacked my neck.

She caught me off guard so I let out a moan. "Let's fuck." She said backing up to take her pants off as I stopped her. "Can I just get you home first?" I asked. "Why? You don't wanna fuck me? Ohhh I get it. You don't wanna get hooked on this pussy." She said as I just put our seatbelts on & drove to her house. She's giving me hell.

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