I noticed once we pulled up to Nicholas house, Nicki was shaking hard. I grabbed her thigh & she looked up at me. "I'm fine." She said moving my hand as I put it back. "No you're not. Talk to me baby." I said as she laughed a little. "So I'm baby now?" She asked as I smacked my lips. "You'll always be my baby." I said. "Mkay Mariah Carey." She said as I giggled. "No seriously, I'm sorry Nicki. I didn't mean for it to get this far. I love you & I always will." I said as she just smiled.

"I love you too. But I don't get back with you as of right now. It's a lot of shit I gotta handle & right now isn't the best time to be in a relationship. That doesn't mean we won't still be talking to each other & shit. Nothings gonna change, I just won't be around as much." She said as I nodded. "That's understandable. I can take that as long as I don't fully lose you." I said. "You can never fully lose me." She said.

She parked where no one would see us & we quietly got out. Solo was still on my phone so we heard every thing. "He's still breathing, he good, he good." We heard as Rihanna laughed. "Not for long." She said. "Fuck she just say? Let's go." Nicki whispered as she went through the back. She started doing some shit with the lock & the door opened. Well damn, I need mega locks for her ass.

"Be quiet. Just follow me & do what I do." She said as I nodded. We snuck into the house until we saw someone. We ducked & they looked back. "Aye who's here?" We heard. Rihanna. Ofc it's her. "Get ready." Nicki whispered as I nodded. "I gotta go find my sister." I said as she shook her head. "Wait." She said but it was too late, I had already snuck off.

"Solo??" I whispered on my phone. "I see you. Keep going straight. But be careful, there's glass everywhere." She said but it was too late. I already had glass stuck in my head. I felt Nicki's hands on my waist. "Next time I tell you something listen. Now keep going until we see Solo." She said as I nodded. I tried to keep going & bare the pain at the same time.

"What happened?" She asked as we got to Solo. "With me or this situation?" I asked as she ducked behind the couch. "Your hand." She said. Soon as I got ready to answer her, we heard someone coming behind the couch. "We'll look who we have here." Rihanna said as Nicki smirked & stood up. "Baby no." I said. "Yeah listen to yo bitch." Rihanna said as Nicki looked down at me. "Close your eyes. Both of you." She said. We closed our eyes & all we heard was gunshots. 4 back to back.

"Open." She said as I opened my eyes to see her smiling in my face. "Did you just???" I asked as she nodded. "Bitch been needed it. Meeks next. I hear him coming just do the same thing close y'all eyes." She said as I nodded. I grabbed her hand & pulled her to me. "I wanna help with this one. He did something so wrong to you & you know I don't play when it comes to you." I said as she shook her head. "I'm okay baby, just make sure solo is still doing good." She said as I sighed.

I stood up to see Meek with his back turnt. "So you come into my cousin's house while his pregnant girlfriend is here? You got some nerve. I should really kill yo ass in this position but I want you to see me. I wanna be the last motherfucker you see when you die. I want to see you suffer like I did. Laying on the floor lifeless. But the only difference is... you'll actually be lifeless. Abusing a 16 year old girl for her birthday bc you think she's talking to your homeboy is crazy. But what's even crazier is taking her to a party & leaving her alone while you go get drunk. Then coming back hours later to have sex with her but you see she isn't going for it so you graze her arm with a gun & rape her anyways??? & another reason was bc your homeboys dared you to do it??? You a real pussy for that. My girl got more balls than you." I said as he turnt around.

"Onika I am so sorry. I was young & dumb. I didn't know what I was doing. Please forgive me." He said. "Nigga please. I don't owe you shit but these bullets to the head." I said emptying the clip on him. I feel so much better but I know the consequences of this.

"Baby I need you to listen to me." I said putting my gun down & grabbing Beyoncé face. She had tears coming out her eyes so I kissed her face over & over. "You never told me the whole story. I'm so glad he got what he deserved. He needs to rot in hell." She said as I just giggled a little. I don't let stuff like this get to me. Life goes on & I won't let it happen again, I'm older & I have guns & protection now. & I fight. Bitches & niggas. "Yeah I understand but we have to get Nicholas to the hospital. & Solo. I know she's been panicking I need to know if they're all okay. Her, nick, & baby boy. What I need you to do is call 911." I said as she shook her head.

"But that's means the police will come & see what happened. I don't want you going to jail." She said as I nodded. "Shit you're right, come on we gonna have to try to pick him up." I said as she nodded. First we helped Solange up and she laughed. "Damnnnn short stuff, you don't misssss." She said looking to see Rihanna & Meek. "You know you aren't supposed to be looking at this right? It could affect the baby." Beyoncé said as she brushed her off. "Ian supposed to be having sex while pregnant either but I still do it." She said as we laughed. "Yeahh just go to the car." I said as she giggled.

Lil nasty ass. "Okay baby help me." I said. As we was getting Nick up, he woke back up. "AHHHH FUCKKKK." He yelled. "Grab that shirt & put it where he got shot. Apply a lot of pressure." Bey said as I did as told. She sting as fuck cause ain't no way she just picked this boy up by herself. "Let's get him in the back. Solo isn't that big, he can lay back there." She said as I nodded.

Once we got everything together, we left out. I don't care about the door being unlocked or anything, I just my babies to be okay. Bey was in the front with me so I she grabbed my free hand & started playing with my fingers. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Shut up." She said as I felt her unbuckle her pants. "Woahhh chill out. Yo sister up here wilding." I said. "I am not." She said as solo smacked her teeth. "Yes you are I saw you. I'm getting in the car back with Nick & putting my earphones in. Do y'all thing." She said as I laughed. "See she don't care now finger me!" She semi yelled as I just sighed. "No. We gotta get to the hospital. After everything is settled & done, I'll bring you back out here & do something then." I said as she nodded. "Okayyyy well drive fasterrrrr." She said as I giggled.

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