Class with sir Chanyeol

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The next day the boys were tired and had dark circles under their eyes. They got up, getting ready for college like usual.

By the time they knew, uncle park was nagging at them. Rushing to get dressed for classes. One by one they ran out of the house.

Sang Rae was dashing out from her grandparents house. Reaching the school grounds, she saw the boys. Looks like they haven't gotten any rest at all.

"Princess, remember to eat before you head out for classes." grandfather told her.
"Neh grandpa." Sang Rae answered, grabbing an apple. "I'm going now"

Looking for the photography class, Sang Rae searched for any people around her before she used her powers to be in front of the classroom door.

She knocked on the door before entering the room.

"Hello... I'm Jo Sang Rae...." she introduced herself.

She looked for the voice. Chanyeol.

Chanyeol's POV

Soon as she introduced herself to the classroom, I cursed to myself.

You're unfair
Are you being selfish? (stop it)
Your eyes, your nose, your lips
No matter how much I look, will they be pretty?
You're unfair
Just stop right there
You're dangerous, dangerous,
Take it slow (Oh my)

How she makes me go crazy. This girl.
Her head turned and looked dead straight at me, she still looks the same from before.. only if we treated her better... I quickly turned around and focus on the assignment that was given to us. Sadly, my mind kept drifting off to her. 

"Please take a seat next to Song Hyeun" said Professor Kwon. 

'The seat in front of me...' I told myself that. 

'Badum.. badum.badum.' 

Professor repeated the assignment for her to understand and she started to work right away, she took out her things and started to write everything down, while everyone was looking at her with amusement, even I did. 

She looked up at the window next to her and stood up. We all got startled with her actions and jumped backed to our paper. She ran out and we all stood up and watched her run out of the room. 

"What the hell was that about?" "Who the hell she think she is to run off like that." 

"Is she crazy or something?puhaha" complained everyone. 

"Back to work or detention" said Professor Kwon, and the students went back to work. 

" Mwohji.." I asked myself as I saw her out in the field on my desk. I blinked my eyes and it was still there. 


Hello!!! sorry for the late update, Busy with college stuff and many other things! hope you guys are enjoying it! vote,comment, or subscribe! until next time author, chee ^^ 

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