Chapter 21

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Arthur's POV

"What do you mean poisoned? A-Am I dying!?" I was freaking out at this point. His expression and voice makes it all believable. I've read a few traits of a Naga from Charlie's books and my own, and that Naga can sense poison in their own or someone else's blood.

Edgar didn't say anything but pulled out a piece of parchment and wrote something down. "Take this, go to the bank and find Alcon. Give him this letter and then, do everything he says. Trust me, he will help you." He stuffed the note into my hand with a serious look in his eyes.

"But, the kids...." "It's ok, dad. I'll take care of them," Charlie assures me. "Take Bill with you. He can talk to them better." I'm hesitant to just leave the kids alone but if I don't find out who poisoned me, that'll just be stupid.

"Alright. I'm sorry to do this to you, Mr. Edgar but can my kids stay here while I handle this issue?" I asked

"Of course. I don't mind it. I don't have a lot of customers coming in often. In the meantime, I can start on their wands. Would you like to see the process?" Edgar invited and the 4 of them jumped up to the opportunity.

I made sure to put a tracking charm on them before leaving. Knowing the twins, they'll probably start wandering around if left alone for too long. Bill and I walked into the bank and requested to meet Alcon. The teller at the counter looked at me bewildered but I quickly handed him the note and told him of what Edgar had said of me being poisoned.

The teller called out for another goblin and together, we were escorted to an office. It was small but decorated with lots of weapon which kind of scares me because it looks like it has been used recently. Bill gave a proper greeting to the man and went straight to the topic, "Greetings, sir. We came here to ask for your assistance as our wand maker, Edgar told us that my father here is being poisoned and that you could help us."

"Greetings as well, Mr Weasley. Yes, Edgar is my client. For a long time now. It seems that he asked if I could help you do a blood test to see who has poisoned and spelled you as well. Time is of the essence. So, let's begin shall we?"

We did the normal procedure of cutting my finger and dropping 7 drops of blood onto the test sheet. The blood flowed across the sheet, forming my information but what it wrote was something else entirely......

Name: Arthur Weasley

Age: 35 (don't judge me if it's incorrect)

Parents: Cedrella Weasley (dead)
                Septimus Weasley (dead)

Sibling/s: None

Godparents: none

Core: light grey

Spouse: Molly Elizabeth Weasley      (illegal due to the use of love potion)

Children: William Arthur Weasley, Charlie Septimus Weasley, Percy Ignatius Weasley, Fred Arthur Weasley and George Arthur Weasley, Ronald BIllius Weasley (illegally blood-adopted), Ginevra Molly Weasley (illegally blood-adopted)





Creature inheritance

Autumn fae

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