Chapter 22

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Lilian's POV

"That's?!" I nodded my head enthusiastically. "Yes! a potion to cure werewolves insanity!" I sat down beside Harry to share the book."It disappeared because the maker died before he was able to tell the public, only the Royal Pendragon family knew and that's only because he was a distant relative to the king Arthur's prime minister."

"This is incredible!" Harry grabbed the book from my hand and went through it even more. "I also have an idea of what Arthur's first assignment should be." I conjured up a hand mirror. "Just imagine, Harry. A way of communicating to other people across the globe. Anywhere, anytime."

"Your going to make a telephone?"

"A mirror phone to be exact." Harry looked at me, skeptical about the concept. "Ok. You know how muggles use telephones and telegraphs in the industrial revolution? Well, why don't we use the same concept but with electricity and magic together? It will work! I trust Arthur and his team to make something that could work the same way. Maybe, even better! Like a hologram!"

"Ok, slow your horses. Let's not count our chicken before they hatch. Let's start with the mirror phone first. You should send Arthur a message about that. Also, how about the meeting with your godfathers tomorrow, sis? You know how they are in the past timeline......"

Great, I forgot about that. "Merlin, I've completely forgotten about that. They can barely stand each other, let alone be in the same room as one another! Daisy!"

Daisy pops in and I told her to prepare a lavender tea party for my godfathers, "and make sure they don't stumble upon each other before the meet-up. That will just be another mess to clean up."

"Of course, your majesty. Everything will be ready by tomorrow morning."

Harry stared at me as I discussed with Daisy about tomorrow's party. "Why did you make it lavender theme?" "Calming and quiet. They can't mess up with that." I left the room to get ready for bed as I'll be having two meetings. Life as a Potter is never done...

Third person's POV

Madam Amelia Bones was getting ready to go home when an owl just flew into her office. Usually, messenger owls carrying letters would immediately be teleported into the mail room to be sent to checked for any traps or curses before being handed to the receiver. So, the fact that this owl just comes in without teleporting there is very strange. And suspicious.

"Who's owl are you?" Amelia asked, aiming her wand to the bold owl. It suddenly tucks into it's breast feather and pulls out a medallion. Amelia tread warily, making sure to put up a shield between her and the owl. She gently lifts the medallion to her face and saw a very familiar emblem that has not been used for centuries.

"You are one of the Pendragon's Royal family Owl." She was astonished at the emblem. The Royal family line has been dead after the founder's passing and the family throne, above the Minister's seat has been empty ever since. However, right now, the owl is proof of the Royal Family return. This is now a very important and urgent matter to handle.

The owl pecked at her finger and hoot angrily. It gave her the letter from it's messenger bag and flew off, making sure to steal one of her cookies. "Hey, wait!" Amelia called out but the owl was already gone. Oh, well. Let's see what it is? She carefully breaks the red seal and the letter floats up a d reads out it's contents.

Dear Madam Amelia Bones, Head of The Auror Department,

On the behest of the Royal Family, we cordially invite you to Crown Princess Lilian James Pendragon's Lavender tea party tomorrow at 10 a.m. This is also a political meeting over certain matters of importance. The envelope will turn into a portkey that will immediately send you to Pendragon's Castle, if you accept the invitation. It will activate at 9.50 a.m, tomorrow morning.

If you readily accept, please say yes after the message. If not, you may say no and we will meet again at a later date.


Her Majesty Crown Princess Lilian James Pendragon, heiress to the Pendragon Family throne and Ruler of Magical Europe

The message ended and Amelia quickly replied with a yes. Meeting with a Royal Family is a matter of importance for any council member of the court. If she played her cards well, she could even have the Bones family be friends with the The Royal Pendragon family for her niece's future. She had a lot of unused days off due to being obsessed with her career. Now, she can put it to good use.

The letter burned and it was replaced with a golden key. As she studies it more, she noticed the intricate carvings of a dragon biting its tail. Everything that belongs to the Royal Pendragon Family would always have a symbol of a dragon on it, either they'll be biting their tail for those who are working for them or they will be protecting a crown for the Royal Pendragon Family members.

Nevertheless, she made sure to keep it safe in her coat and applied for a day off tomorrow. As she left her office, she noticed a few of the workers gossiping and heard a few tidbits about it. Apparently, Arthur Weasley has sent in his resignation letter just now, stating that he has a new place of employment. "Who would hire a Weasley who likes muggles? He might as well leave the Wizarding World before embarrassing himself and his family more." One of the male coworkers commented.

The others laughed. "Is that so? I'm guessing all of you have to much free time for today. Before you comment on another person's life, why don't you finish up the report that I asked you last week. Now, get to work!" Amelia shuts the gossip crew down and they immediately went back to work.

Amelia has always cared for the man, especially since he has never undermined her or made her feel lowly for wanting to be an Auror when they were young. He is a very kind and generous man, even if he doesn't have a lot to give. He was like a brother to her and even named her as his twin son's godmother. Hopefully, his new place of employment is good to him.

Arthur and his son, Bill were leaving the bank when he suddenly received a letter from his pin. It read, 'Arthur, this is Lilian speaking. I know that it is quite late but I have an important assignment for you. This will be your first ever mission from me. Are you ready for this?

Your first mission is to replicate the functions of a telephone and telegraph for magical's to use. I know it will be a very tough assignment. So,I will be sending you the base materials for you to use.

I will not be giving you a set period of time to make it but I would love it if you are able to make it in 2 years time. Your team has already been informed of the mission and your laboratory is fully equipped and the funds are being sent in as we speak. If it is not enough, you may request for more. With reasons as to why included.

That's all from me and I wish you and the team the best of luck.'

A case of items dropped into his arms. As he looked inside, he could see a few books and manuals but the most important thing was a real life model of the modern telephone of this time in the muggle world as well as a telegraph machine. "Well, dad." Bill pats his shoulder in support. "You definitely have your work cut out for you."

A message was suddenly send to Bill after that comment. It read, "Bill, this is Hadrian speaking. I wish for you and your brothers to translate a few texts of ancient text. It might have a clue about the origin of dementors as they were first recorded in ancient times in Egypt. Right now, I need to find a way to destroy or at least, make sure they don't need to eat people's soul for sustenance.

I'm giving you 2 weeks to do this and your boss has already been notified about the matter. If you can finish it early, that will be great. If not, you will have to tell me and I will extend the time for you. I'll be paying you for this, don't worry. That's all and have a good evening.'

"Well," Arthur snickered and gave him a pat on the shoulder back. "I wish you luck son." Bill punched him back and they carried on to the wand shop with a heavy mission in hand and a wave of excitement coursing through their veins.

This time, the Weasley's will be making history.

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