Chapter 23

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Third person's POV

Remus is having his usual evening routine in his dilapidated apartment. It wasn't the best, considering that he has no job at the moment because of his wolf problems, but it's home. In a way. The noisy old man spirit still haunts the basement, making a loud racket with his cane.

The place was given to him by his father as a last will and it sucks. Badly. He missed his old home with Sirius..... His eyes weld up when he suddenly remembered how useless he was to save his only living friend. They wouldn't listen to him and just threw him in Azkaban without a trial. He begged Albus to do something but he told him that there was nothing he could do for the man. That lying bastard. Ever since then, Remus had zero contacts with the man except on the occasion of him sending letters and gifts for the twins.

He was about to make another cup of hot chocolate when an owl suddenly swooped in with a letter in its beak. The owl dropped the letter onto the dining table and left without another word. What just happened? Remus rarely has letters sent to him because of his lack of communication to the outside world. He slowly picked it up and noticed a very strange yet familiar stamp on it. As soon as he broke off the seal, it flew off his hand. The letter opened itself and started to read out its contents;

Dear Mr Remus John Lupin,

On the behest of The Royal Pendragon Family, we cordially invite you to Crown Princess Lilian's Lavender Tea Party tomorrow, at noon. It is imperative that you come to this event. The letter will turn into a portkey to Pendragon's Castle at 10.50 a.m.

If there are any setbacks for your attendance, please say it out loud and the letter will be sent back to us. Another meeting will be set up for us to meet again.

Yours sincerely,
Crown Princess Lilian James Pendragon, heiress to The Pendragon Family and Future Queen of Magical Europe

The letter floated up for his response. "Yes, I will come." The letter glows and turns into a key with the carvings of a dragon biting it's tail on it. Remus fell into his chair at sudden revelation. Did I literally just get invited to a tea party with The Royal Pendragon Family?! HOW IN MERLIN'S NAME DID THAT JUST HAPPENED?!

Meanwhile, a certain potion professor is also evaluating what happened to him a few minutes ago. Snape is a cruel man. He admits. His personality doesn't really suit a career in teaching kids. However, because of a certain vow and oath that he made when he was arrested for joining the death eaters, he had to face this dreadful life of teaching idiots and dunderheads on his favourite subject. Not to mention, the errands that Albus had been making him do.

Just today, Albus has asked him to brew another loyalty potion. He didn't want to but Albus threatened him with the contract. He brewed it up and had one of the house elves hands it to the man. He was about to have a glass of fire whiskey to soothe his nerves when an owl suddenly came in and dropped a letter onto his lap before flying off.

He was in too much shock to do anything. He quickly checked if there were any spells or potions on the letter but found none. He flipped it around and saw a very strange stamp on it. It's a dragon but there was no one that he knows of has this stamp. He breaks the seal and the letter suddenly comes to life, reading out its contents.

Dear Lord Severus Tobias Snape-Prince,

On the behest of The Royal Pendragon Family, we cordially invite you to Crown Princess Lilian's lavender tea party tomorrow, at noon. It is imperative that you come to this event. The letter will turn into a portkey to Pendragon's Castle at 10.50 a.m.

If there are any setbacks for your attendance, please say it out loud and the letter will be sent back to us. Another meeting will be set up for us to meet again.

Yours sincerely,
Crown Princess Lilian James Pendragon, heiress to The Pendragon Family and Future Queen of Magical Europe

Severus stared at the letter in confusion and poured another glass of fire whiskey. The letter floated, waiting for his response. Severus has to think about it first. Meeting with The Royal Family is a huge honor and it would be a waste and rude of him if he rejected it. Considering that it will be summer vacation for the students tomorrow, he would have no reason to not be able to go. However, there is one problem. Albus.

Albus has always kept an eye on him and makes him do things that he's not being paid for. He's already overworked himself with stocking up the Medical Wing, which Albus doesn't pay him for and teaching year 1st and 6th year students. This could be a good break for him.

However, he knows that if Albus ever finds out that he is meeting the Crown Princess of Pendragon, Albus would try to stop him from going. He would probably use his invitation to invite himself into the party instead. Although, I don't think the Pendragon castle's wards would allow that.

He has an advantage, though. He's running low on certain potion ingredients for the pepper-up potion and Dreamless Sleep potions that needs to be restocked for the Medical Wing. If he tells Albus about it, in front of everyone, during breakfast, he would have no choice but to let him free for the day.

Filius, Minerva, Sprout and other professors have shown a dislike on Dumbledore's way of ordering him around and keeping him on castle ground at all time. So, they would surely back him up.

He accepted the invitation and the letter disappeared in a smoke, leaving behind a key. It's the same as Moony's portkey. He sat back down and enjoyed his bottle, not glass, of fire whiskey. Can't wait to see how things will go at breakfast.

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