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Marcus awoke in a cell with his hands tied behind his back. "The hell?" He muttered. "Comfortable? The cuffs were my suggestion. We don't know what you are capable of. Since your capture by HYDRA, there is no telling what you can do." A man voiced. "Agent Phil Coulson. Ain't you supposed to be dead? Last I heard, you died before the alien invasion in New York." Marcus spat.

Coulson smirked an unamused smirk. "You have no advantage here, Ghost. You see, you are alive because we need information from you. I intend to get that information by any means necessary. Tell me, do you value your fingers or your toes more?" He explained.

"You don't torture. That's not SHIELD's MO. Now HYDRA...that's definitely more their style." Marcus stated.

"Where's the data you stole from us?" He asked. "Wouldn't you love to know?" He answered with a smile.

"Agent Coulson...let's try something else. He has a high pain tolerance, torture won't work on him." A familiar man announced.

"Well, well, well. Ol' Eyepatch has decided to bless me with his presence." Marcus voiced. "Oh trust me, this ain't a blessing. You haven't seemed to notice that you sit in a cell that is dangling 20,000 feet in the air. I push a cease to exist. Now tell me...what do you want from us?" Director Nick Fury sounded.

"I want people to know the truth. Sure, HYDRA flipped your entire organization onto your ass. But, you of all people know that you've still got plenty of secrets to hide. Tell a pair of enhanced twins ring any bells?" Marcus voiced.

"Not a one. But if that's the best you got...I'll just send you down now." Fury started. "Press that button, you'll never get your precious Project: Wraith up and running." Marcus snarled.

Fury froze before looking over his shoulder. "What do you know about that?" He questioned.

"I know you need me to do anything with it." Marcus replied.

"While you and I are having this little of my agents is currently working on your encrypted files that you have so willingly provided us." Fury said.

The woman from before walked in. "Ghost...I'm sure you recognize Agent Johnson. Agent Johnson, I'm sure you remember Ghost." Fury said.

Marcus stared at the young woman before him. He furrowed his brows. Johnson. Agent Johnson. Why does that sound so familiar?

"Why is he still wearing the creepy skull mask?" She asked Fury. "If anyone but Ghost tried to take it off...they'd lose a hand...and Ghost would die. And we kind of need him for now." Coulson explained.

Agent Johnson stood in front of Marcus when his heads-up display scanned her facial profile. Her name was Daisy. And she was goddamn beautiful if it weren't for that fact that she was working for S.H.I.E.L.D. and Fury.

"Take off your helmet...we need a retinal scan." She ordered. "Why don't you do it yourself, princess? See what happens." Marcus snarled with a smirk behind his helmet.

"On second thought...maybe we'll just have to continue our search on...what's his name again? John Wick?" Daisy stated with a smile.

Marcus froze for a split second. "Do you really think hunting Baba Yaga...John Wick, himself, is a good idea, beautiful? He'll kill you before you get a chance to try to do the same...especially when he learns that you've captured me. If there's one thing that John is good's vengeance. He is the absolute last person I'd want hunting me." Marcus sounded.

"And unfortunately for you just happened to capture one of the few things he tends to care about." He added.

"Yeah? And what's that?" Fury asked.

"His son." Marcus answered with a smirk. "Motherfucker." Fury murmured.

"Is that bad? That sounds bad." Daisy sounded. "John Wick is the man who crossed off many HYDRA operatives, including dozens of Winter Soldiers." Fury explained.

"Winter Soldiers? Like Cap's friend Bucky?" Daisy asked. "Exactly, sweetheart." Marcus answered. Daisy looked at Marcus, rolling her eyes.

"Agent Johnson, I want you to keep an eye on our ghostly friend here. Coulson, I want you to get the team ready, we need to be prepared for when Wick shows up. This is not a man to underestimate." Fury ordered.

Daisy looked at Marcus before crossing her arms. "Who are you?" She asked as Coulson and Fury left the room. Marcus remained silent. "You're pretty good at hacking...where'd you learn that?" She inquired. Marcus just smiled.

"You're starting to annoy the shit out of me, Ghost." She grumbled turning away. Marcus chuckled. "Marcus." He called out.

Daisy looked at him before exiting the room, leaving Marcus to sit alone in silence as he proceeded to send a message from his helmet.


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