Making A Plan

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John had just received an alert from Marcus. "Shit." He muttered before getting up from the seat at the diner table. He put down a hundred dollar bill before exiting the restaurant.

He was supposed to meet Marcus in New York, but according to the notification he just got from an encrypted line; Marcus was captured by S.H.I.E.L.D.

John headed outside to a sleek black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R and hopped on. He turned the engine over before peeling out of the parking lot and speeding out.

John weaved in and out of traffic as he maneuvered the motorcycle down the road. He had to make it to his own personal safehouse. He had hundreds spread out around the world. He could never be too safe and luckily he had one nearby.

The thing is, if Marcus was captured, he's more than likely being held in the Flying Fortress in the sky.

He's gonna need to find a way up there, but how? John thought for a moment. A slight smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. He swung his bike around and headed n the direction of New York. There was only way thing in the entire world that could get him up to the helicarrier.

Back when John was hired to hunt down HYDRA and Winter Soldiers; he came across stolen technology that had the power to bring anyone, anywhere. The Tesseract.

HYDRA was trying to harness the power to create devices to teleport without the use of the Tesseract. And many of the devices failed...except for one. And John had stolen it.

Taken it for himself, but he no longer had it in his possession. Marcus did. He gave it to him to allow him to escape from HYDRA's prison.

John had been using the device to make hits and disappearing without a trace. He could kill a man in one part of the world and reappear in another in an instant. It made him a living legend. The man who could not be traced. Baba Yaga. Boogeyman's Hunter.

John sped towards his son's safehouse in New York. Specifically in Hell's Kitchen.

"Hold on, kid. I'm coming." John muttered to himself.

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