70: Explain yourself

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February 17th/ Stokeley's pov/ Cafe/ 4:14 pm

I sat in the cafe waiting for my dad to arrive, I can't lie, I was a bit nervous. My hands rested on my lap as I looked around, I felt weird, so weird. Jahseh hasn't texted me or talked to me all day and I couldn't help but think he was upset with me. I know he said he'd support me in whatever I choose but right now I'm not feeling the love or support which is something I need, but it's whatever. If I don't hear from him by the end of the day then I'll text him and see what's up with him, and it's not like he's even at school because it's Saturday.

I heard the bell jingle, singling someone entered the cafe. I glanced up to see my dad and he gave me a small wave as he walked over to me. I sat up in my chair as he pulled out the chair across from me, "Hey" he said softly, "Hi". The more I looked at him, the more I could see myself in him, I could see where I got some of my looks from, he almost looked like an older version of myself in some ways.

"Thanks for meeting up with me" he spoke, I softly nodded my head. "Yeah, not a problem" I glanced down at the table, it was quiet, and I could hear him move around a bit. He sighed "I'm sorry, for everything" he spoke, I looked up at him before taking a deep breath. "What did you do to my mom?".

"I-", "Don't even lie" I cut him off. He took a deep breath, "I didn't do anything but leave, I left and went to my family", He was lying. I could feel the lies radiating off of him, but then again I don't have any proof. I continued to look at my dad thinking of what else to say. He had long hair, his dreads were down his back and he had a beard, he looked a little rough and I could tell karma was beating his ass because he isn't aging well.

My moms look like they're 16 and this nigga looks like he's 50, this nigga is 36. "How many other kids?"I spoke and he looked over at me, "Huh?". "How many other kids you got?" I tilted my head, "Five". FIVE?! This nigga got five kids? He can handle that but ran when I was 8, what the fuck? "How old are they?".

"One is turning 19, 16, two of them are 12, and the baby is 9" I dragged my hands down my face, see this nigga is radiating lies. If you let a nigga talk for long enough, he'll tell on himself. "So you cheated on my mom?" I raised an eyebrow, "Stoke-". "Answer the question, I'm turning 19 in April if this nigga is turning 19 as well then you had to cheat on my mom" I furrowed my eyebrows, and he let out a sigh. "Yeah" he nodded, I looked away from him and rubbed my jaw.

"When is he turning 19?", "She" he spoke which caused me to look up. "What?", "It's a girl, she's turning 19 in October" I stared at him in disbelief as everything started to hit me, not only did he cheat on my mom, but he cheated on her while she was pregnant with me. This nigga is not helping his case or whatever the fuck he's here for.

"That's a dickhead move" I mumbled, "I know a-". "Wait" I cut him off, "So you're telling me, you up and left my mom for another woman who you also got pregnant. So you weren't scared, you just...left" He didn't say anything and I just scoffed. "I'm sorry, but can we put that past us? I want a relationship with you" he fixed his posture.

"You can't just ask that of me" I sat back, "You came here, and you're not making yourself look right now, man" I sighed. "I want us to be good, for you to meet your siblings and grandmother" I raised my eyebrows. I barely wanna sit across from this nigga right now and he thinks I wanna meet his offspring? They're not my siblings.

They ain't do nothing to me but I don't want to meet them. "I don't want to meet them" I shook my head, why would I want to meet the people my dad left me for? They all grew up together, I'm gonna feel like an outcast. I know myself and I know that seeing them all happy with each other, raised with a mom and dad, it's gonna make me jealous and I don't like being jealous. Who does?

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