Chapter 8

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-Sarphi's POV-

After a very cosy and cramped night, with Prin, Onyx, and I all cuddled up on one bed, The sun rose once again. I really didn't want to get out of bed, I was warm and comfortable, more so than I think that I had ever been. Sure, our mother had been rich, and we lived in a large house, but the beds weren't made for comfort like this one was. The beds in the inn weren't' too bad either, but it was different knowing that we actually owned this bed.

"Wakey wakey!" Prins aid happily as she slid off the bed, landing on the floor with a soft thud and a laugh. "We have a whole new day ahead of us. Probably full of hard work and meeting new people."

I groggily opened my eyes and stared at her with a frown. I felt like I was embodying Aknon in his absence. I didn't want to get up, and her optimism and energy was irking me somewhat. I wondered if this was how he felt about me and Acer. "Or we could ignore it all and stay here?"

Prin laughed at me and reached down to pull the sheets away, causing me to groan and argue. IU used my tail to poke at her legs and try to push her away, sliding it under her fingers to loosen them from the blanket.

"That's cheating," she claimed as she slapped my tail just below the point.

I found myself blushing lightly, but it was hidden by the blanket. "It's not." I shook my head and sat up. "How come he gets to sleep in?" I pouted and gestured towards Onyx, who was resting on the bed peacefully.

"Onyx doesn't know how to make bread or cake," Prin spoke quietly, as though she didn't want to insult him. She moved back towards the screen in the room where we kept the water. I assumed that she was beginning to get a wash.

"I don't know how to make bread or cake either," I pointed out, hoping that I'd made a very good point. I remained lying in the bed until she came back out again, the littlest bits of water dripping down her face as she dabbed at it with a cloth.

"No, but you can learn." She took my hand and pulled me up and out of the bed. "Now get ready, before I wash you myself."

"Is that a promise?" I asked with a cheeky grin before I ducked behind the screen quickly to avoid being hit by the cloth. After a lot of thinking last night, I had decided to make the most of my situation. I knew that Onyx would be able to help us and Aknon. I knew that he'd stay in touch with us somehow, and that we have a powerful being on our back. Acer would be fine, they could handle themself, and they would get really annoyed at me if they found out that I was worrying so much that I forgot to live this strange new life.

Getting washed was quick, and I put on a new dress which we had bargained for yesterday. We had a lot of work to do in order to repay the people who have been kind to us so far here. Luckily, there were cookbooks and notes scattered around the building for us to reference. Hopefully, we'd be able to replicate the baked goods just like the old baker used to make them.

I stepped out of our room and into the living room and kitchen, which wasn't the biggest space, but it would be perfect for us. I smiled as I saw Prin by the fire, looking very beautiful in the glow which illuminated from it.

"Do I look okay?" I asked quietly, stepping forward and into view, giving a small twirl as I held the sides of the dress. I felt very self-conscious, as it was far more modest and lighter than the things I usually wore. I didn't think that it suited my overall style at all, but it suited the aesthetic of the wandering village and the bakery extremely well.

She turned her head to look at me and grinned. "You look beautiful, Sarphi." Her voice made me blush some more, which I hoped to hide with my hair. "But You need to have braids, or some kind of bun in your hair. That'll probably make a good impression and show we don't want our customers finding black threads in their goods."

ONE POINT FIVE (1.5 in the Amnesia Archives)Where stories live. Discover now