Chapter 33

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Niko's POV

I stood above Sarphi and Aknon, concern running through my whole body at the very sight of Aknon's injuries. I knew that I would be able to heal him, but he wouldn't be able to walk for a good while. They had caught Cade and I up on what happened, I think. I knew that Aknon went searching for Acer, who had been kidnapped, and he had made it to an orc camp, where he was told to return for Sarphi. He had wasted his time, apparently, and the deities were in danger. Or at least they were asking for his help somehow.

"If they have a similar problem, then why don't we continue trying to help?" Cade questioned, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot. Cade was a follower of Buruh and Odon, but more recently a follower of Jora. Ever since the two of us got into a relationship, Jora had been very important to us. I, myself, was a follower of Coy and Aero for the longest time, ever since I could remember.

"I don't think that we could do more than the deities," Prin pointed out quietly, which reminded me that Ka was just in the other room. I supposed that she could entertain herself for now, but that didn't stop my growing anxiety.

I nudged Cade towards the door before stepping back and glancing into the main area. Ka seemed to be minding her own business, just sitting with her legs swinging back and forth. I knew that meant she was incredibly bored, so I left the room for a moment.

"I hear you were a little baker today?" I said warmly as I crouched in front of her. "Thank you so much for helping out. I don't think we'd get our food without you."

"You wouldn't have," Ka agreed with a nod of her head and a bright smile. "I made the patterns on the pie; she said I could do that since you two would be eating it and you wouldn't care if I mess up."

"Wonderful," I said with a laugh as I took the bag from her, beginning to put the various goods away. How I adored apple pie. "I think it will taste extra good then, knowing you helped."

"Can I go in there?" she inquired, using her foot to gesture to the bedroom where the others were. She looked about ready to spring off her seat and interrogate them all.

"I don't think so, dear." I shook my head, returning to her. "Aknon is very ill. We're trying to figure out ways to help them. But he may be alright if you stay in the doorway." I made a show of looking over at the clock. "Besides, it is nearly time for your father to arrive and examine the plants in our window."

K a seemed utterly disheartened by the news, pouting. "I'll help him with that." She stood and slowly moved over to the doorway of the bedroom, peeking inside. "Hi!" She waved her hand excitedly, "I'm Ka." She wasn't holding much of her excitement back.

Aknon looked like he'd been struck by lightning. "Hi Ka." He cleared his throat, giving his own weak wave. "I'm Aknon."

"And I'm Cade," Cade joked uncharacteristically. I knew that he had a soft spot for kids, and that's really the only time he would joke. "I mean when it comes to names, Prin lucks out. That's why Queenie stole her name."

Ka gasped. "Thief!" she exclaimed. "Can I go arrest her?" She sounded incredibly serious.

"Absolutely, let's go." Cade headed over to her, they were about the same height, which was rather humorous to note. "I'll get the rope, and you can prepare a speech." He winked at me as he passed, leading the girl out of the inn.

"Acer would have a ball with that," Aknon commented weakly and bitterly. "What is this thing with her anyway? She just wants the whole village to follow her?"

"Precisely, and she's not afraid to take risks," I commented, moving over to the chair in the corner of the room. "But she's just your stereotypical person. I do not think she has magical, or otherworldly, means of getting what she wants."

"I hope not, because that'd be really embarrassing." Sarphi scoffed a little. "She's just got it out for us."

"She feels threatened by you, because you're new and different." I remembered when Cade and I first came here, she was similar, but I felt like Prin and Sarphi had more similarities to her, which is why she was trying extra hard. "It seems rather trivial, after hearing about your encounter with deities." I couldn't hide the fact I was somewhat jealous.

Aknon sighed, his head hanging down. "I just wish I had answers." He raised his head again, eyes wandering. "Where's Onyx?"

The question caused me to frown and look around as well.

"I thought it was odd," Prin said, stepping forward. "Where is he? He should be here with you two, right? He was meant to come get me if anything happened."

Sarphi nodded. "He might've gotten lost?" she suggested meekly, which was very unlike her.

Aknon shook his head. "He's a magical shadow dog, I don't think he gets lost." He tried to sit up, but Sarphi pushed him back down. "Sarph."

Sarphi shushed him and raised a hand. "You have an infection; you aren't going anywhere."

"I just wanted to sit up."

"You have an infection; you aren't going to sit up." Sarphi changed her words a little bit with a small smirk, but it didn't do much to hide the concern and worry in her features.

"Maybe he was summoned somewhere?" Prin suggested. "If someone else has a rattle like yours." I had been informed of the package we had delivered to them, a package which still held a lot of mystery, as the wandering village was very difficult to find.

"That's impossible," Sarphi denied. "The only people who would have a rattle would be Senka and Dwi."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Dwi?" I questioned, not knowing why the deity of shadows and curses and such would be involved in this.

But my question was ignored.

"What if it is Senka?" Prin asked, moving to the side of the bed, looking between Aknon and Sarphi with even more worry. "What if she's trying to tell us something? Maybe she's found Acer."

But the two siblings didn't seem to share the same enthusiasm, which I found to be odd for one of them. I felt like a fourth wheel, even though that could be considered a carriage. I didn't feel like I was in the loop at all, so all this was nonsense to me. I felt like I was a ghost who lived hundreds of years ago, who had just wandered into the conversation.

"I was told not to look for Acer," Aknon said once more. "I think that I should focus there. The deities are in trouble. We're practically nobodies. We should just try and lay low for a while."

Sarphi looked like she wanted to object but decided against it. "So, are you staying here?" She looked hopeful.

Aknon nodded slowly. "That would be wise. That way I can look after you." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, which she surprisingly didn't pull away from.

"And we can look after you." Prin pointed to his leg.

"It won't be difficult for you to fit in here," I said thoughtfully. "The blacksmith could do with some help."

Aknon looked confused for a moment, before nodding. "I'll find something."

"That's what life will be now, is it?" Prin questioned. "Dealing with petty social hierarchy, baking bread, and staying out of trouble?"

"Not a terrible life," Sarphi responded.

Though I had a feeling it wouldn't stay like this for long.


Thank you so much for sticking with ONE POINT FIVE. I thought that this was one of the tougher books to write, to be perfectly honest. I hadn't planned on making this long at all, but I couldn't help myself. I'll learn my lesson for the future :D 

Of course, The Amnesia Archives will continue. But I'm moving onto another project at the moment, so it might have to wait before we get TWO.

Much love and happy reading <3


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