Chapter 15

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Sarphi's POV

I was full of nerves the entire time we made the cake. I wanted it to be the best masterpiece I'd ever made, but it turns out that Prin had the same vision. Both of us had vastly different styles and strong opinions on what it should look like. And honestly it looked a little weird as we put both our heads together. We followed the instructions we were provided very well, in my opinion, but Prin disagreed with me. It left us both very unsure. I didn't know much about what people were actually after, and Prin didn't really know a whole bunch about what was mainstream. We both had to rely on our individual styles.

"And now we have half an hour to make ourselves presentable," Princ complained as she rushed around the room, trying and failing to put things in an orderly fashion whilst still being quick. "Oh, we have so little time, why did it take us this long?"

"Because we're-made the cake three times," I pointed out with a sigh. "Also, I'm always presentable. I could go out there looking like this with no issues." I crossed my arms over my chest before stepping forward and trying to help. "We should leave this until we get back."

Prin didn't look comfortable with the idea, her hands clenching and unclenching nervously in the air as she shook her head. "I dare you to go looking like that." I thought that she was going to say something about not wanting to leave the place looking like a wind spirit had gotten in, but she didn't. She must be really really stressed and not looking forward to this. I wasn't looking forward to it either, but I had expected her to be a little more enthusiastic about it.

"I'll take that as a yes then," I replied with a laugh as I grabbed her wrist and brought her to the washing station. "I need your help to make sure I get all the flour off."

"Darling, it's not just flour you have to get off," she pointed out before gesturing to my entire body. "Maybe it'll show them just how much effort we put into the cake."

"So will showing up with the cake." I laughed and began brushing my hair, starting from the top and working my way to the bottom. Prin did the same, even though we both still had sugar and flour all over us. We changed into our good clothes and were rushing out the door, with the cake wrapped in a neat cardboard box. Onyx rushed behind us, wagging his tail happily. He hadn't been enjoying the past few hours of stressful baking, but he did enjoy the treats we gave him to calm him down.

By the time we got to the main square, we were out of breath and our hair looked like it had suffered through a storm. The entire village was here practically, ranging from Niko and Cade, to the birthday girl. The two innkeepers didn't seem to be having the best of times as they stood in the corner, talking to each other quietly and constantly glancing in the direction of the door.

I noticed this because I felt eyes on us as soon as we entered. It didn't help my anxiety much, but I was reassured once I realised who it was. I'd dragged Prin over there, almost making her drop our days' worth of work. I recognised some of our other products lined up on the table as well, which made me feel a little giddy.

"You're late," Niko stated, his voice almost strained. It was as though he had some kind of grudge against us for not having to deal with an extra two minutes of the event. "Let's see it then."

I sighed and opened the box, chuckling a little as it blocked Prin's face, causing a frown to appear on her lips.

Niko peered in, and we had to lower the box a little bit for Cade.

"That's different," Cade commented, his voice full of surprise, with a hint of something I took as dislike. I might've been overreacting, but there was a certain twinge I couldn't put my finger on.

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