Chapter 11

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Prin's POV

"But she didn't do anything," I argued with Cade as he wiped down the tables in the inn. "All Sarphi and I did was exist, and she was immediately on our backs." I was clutching some kind of alcohol. I didn't know what it was, nor did I ask. I had been curious about it over the past few days and decided to try it. I had to admit that it tasted really nice. But Cade had grown to regret serving it to me, as I had gone off on a long tangent about Queenie.

"She does that." His replies had been short, but at least he was humouring me with the conversation. There was nobody else here, since it was around closing time and most people preferred to have a long night's sleep. "You learn to ignore her existence."

"I doubt it." I huffed and finished the last of my drink. I stood up to clean it, but he swiped it out of my hands with an irritated look. I kept forgetting that it was actually his job to clean up after those who come here. "Sorry," I muttered and sat back down. "She's so imposing and loud. She gives me a headache." I felt like this was being a bit too mean, but I wasn't sure if I cared when it came to her anymore.

"Most people do." Cade shrugged, presuming talking about his interactions with other people in general. "She's going to get bored with the two of you eventually. As long as you don't retaliate or act out."

"Have you met Sarphi?" I asked rhetorically. "She's going to act out eventually. She's beating her down relentlessly, and I don't know what I could do to stop it." Sarphi hadn't really left the bakery much over the past few days. Claiming that she was just doing more practice and that she was really tired. She'd gotten used to baking pretty well, she was rather talented with eyeballing measurements, and decorating seemed to come naturally to her. But I knew that Queenie had gotten to her and poisoned her brain.

"I still can't believe that she makes you call her Queenie," Niko said, coming out of the kitchen and standing in front of me. His back was straight, and he looked as elegant as ever, even with an apron covering him. "Her name is far less impressive."

"Oh? What is it?" I leaned over the counter eagerly, both my elbows resting on it. "Come on, don't give me that and then leave it as a secret."

The couple laughed at me. "I'd rather not invoke her wrath," Niko admitted. "She does actually do her job well. It's very surprising, but she's pretty good at being patient and she knows quite a bit about hair and beauty."

"Very surprising," Cade commented with a grunt. "But I'm not trusting Niko to trim my beard ever again." His eyes were full of an accusatory fire.

Niko raised his hands defensively. "It's not my fault that I'm not used to it." He took his apron off and ran a hand through his hair. I figured that was his way of 'signing out' of work for the evening. "I don't have that issue. Meanwhile, your hair grows far too quickly."

"You have the hair of a baby," Cade pointed out. "Or maybe the baby has more."

I decided that it was my time to leave as the two got invested into friendly banter. "Thanks for the drink," I told Cade as I stood and straightened out my dress. "I'll hopefully see you two tomorrow. Sleep well." I gave a friendly smile and left, hearing their well-wishes and goodbyes as I went.

The air was surprisingly cold, causing me to wrap my arms around myself. It wasn't a long walk at all from the inn to the bakery. I somewhat wished that it was longer, but it was incredibly handy when we needed help or advice, which we needed a few times. Technically, Sarphi and I hadn't lived with other people before, at least not in our active memories. I'd been trapped in an underground prison, whilst Sarphi grew up away from society.

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