Chapter 6

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Hot shot woke up and he knew today was going to be more treatments of radiation and chemotherapy. Hot shot stretched and then looked at his pillow. He saw there was a good size clump of hair on his pillow. Hot shot grabbed it in his hands. He left his room and saw his parents in the kitchen. "Look at what I found on my pillow this morning," Hot shot said. "My hair it's falling out already," he said.

Quickshadow and Heatwave saw the hair in Hot shot's hands. "That is all part of cancer treatment poppet," Quickshadow said. "The chemo and radiation affect other cells besides the cancer cells. They even affect the cells of the hair making the hair fall out," she said.

"That's a big handful of hair," Heatwave said. "But don't worry your hair will grow back once treatment is over," he said.

Soon Hot shot had his breakfast and got ready to go to Cook Children's Hospital for more treatment. Hot shot noticed his hair was falling out as he was getting ready to go. Hot shot grabbed Roxy the rhino and was read to go. Hot shot got into his car seat and watched as things went by as they headed to Cook Children's Hospital.

Hot shot soon saw Peaks the dragon and the car was soon parked in the parking lot. Hot shot got out of the car and was ready to go in. Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino the whole time. Having Roxy helped him feel very brave and strong. Hot shot always brought Roxy to the hospital when he had a test, check up and treatments. Hot shot followed his parents inside. Hot shot got to ride in a wagon this time because he was kind of tired. Hot shot rode in the wagon to his treatment. Hot shot loved to ride in the wagon it was fun. Hot shot was enjoying himself.

Hot shot was soon in the clinic waiting to get his radiation treatment. "Hi guys," Hot shot said when he saw his friends.

"Hi Hot shot," his friends said.

"I'm starting to lose my hair," Hot shot said.

"I can see that," Medix said.

"I am losing a bit of my hair right now," Whirl said.

"My hair I am losing a few strands," Hoist said.

"I lost a little of my hair so far," Wedge said.

"My hair hasn't started to fall out yet but it might soon," Medix said.

Then Hot shot went back to get his radiotherapy done. Hot shot climbed up onto the big table with Roxy. Then he laid down and the radiographer named Hailey put his mask on. Hot shot stayed very still as the bed moved into position. Then the radiotherapy machine was adjusted too. Once it was in the right position they were now ready for Hot shot to begin. "Okay Hot shot we are all ready to go," Hailey said. "Remember to stay nice and still," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Then Hailey left the room.

Hot shot stayed as still as statue when the radiation therapy was happening he didn't move a muscle. Hot shot listened to music as the radiation therapy was happening. Hot shot just relaxed for it. Then after about 22 minutes it was over. "Okay Hot shot you are all done for today," Hailey said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Then Hailey took off the mask and Hot shot hopped off the table with Roxy. "Come on Roxy it's time for chemo," he said as he got back into the wagon.

"Okay here we go," Heatwave said pulling the wagon.

Hot shot soon saw they made it to the infusion center. Soon Hot shot was all set up for his chemotherapy after taking some medicine. Hot shot was able to watch some of his favorite videos while getting his chemotherapy.

"Chemotherapy is a big word," Hot shot said. "But I remember that another kid told me it is called chemo for short," he said.

"That's right Hot shot," Quickshadow said.

"I know I get a few different types of chemotherapy medicine and they all take a certain amount of time," Hot shot said. "How many different types of chemotherapy medicines are there?" he asked.

"There are over 100 different chemotherapy medicines Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "But they all fall into one of six different groups of chemotherapy medicines," she said. "The kind of chemotherapy you get depends on the type of cancer you have," she said. "For instance the type of chemotherapy you get depends on the type of brain tumor you have if the cancer you have is a brain tumor," she said. "So there are even different chemotherapy drug that work best on cancers that affect the same body part," she said.

"Oh," Hot shot said. "I get mine through a central line," he said.

"That's right you most certainly do," Quickshadow said. "Some kids get it through IV which is when a little needle puts in a small tube called a canula in your hand or arm," she said. "While some kids like you get through a central line, there are different types of central too," she said. "The type of central line you have is usually decided by the doctor, but some the family and the patient have say on which kind they would prefer," she said. "While other kids take chemotherapy by mouth as a liquid or pill that they swallow," she said. "The oral chemo can taste nasty, but sweet or salty treats makes the taste go away," she said. "Some kids take chemotherapy more than one way," she said. "The child's care team decides what is best," she said.

"I know I get X-ray radiation, what other types of radiation therapy are there?" Hot shot asked.

"There is gamma ray therapy, electron therapy, and proton therapy." Quickshadow said. "The type of radiation you get depends on the type of cancer you have, where it is and what your care team thinks is best," she said. "X-ray, gamma and proton are usually what is used for brain tumors," she explained.

"I know I might need more surgery to remove more of the tumor," Hot shot said. "How many surgeries will I need?" he asked.

"Well Hot shot according to your last scan, there is a good deal of the original tumor remain, but also a spot where another tumor the began form in another ventricle on the right side that happened due to spreading before diagnosis," she said. "Both need more than one surgery from what Dr. Hansen told us." she said. "Dr. Hansen thinks you will need at least three more surgeries to remove it," she said. "But it will be alright," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "My head is going to be scarred and bald but it will show I am very brave," he said.

"That's right," Quickshadow said.

Soon after three hours chemotherapy was done for the day and Hot shot was able to go home. Once they got home Hot shot sat on the couch to rest. Hot shot was happy to home. Fireplug saw Hot shot and was happy to see him. Fireplug knew that Hot shot was tired after treatment so he simply just brought a toy for Hot shot to throw a few times. Then the two of them relaxed while watching TV.

It was good to be home. Hot shot knew there was chance for a hospital stay of many during treatment. If that happens he will be ready for it.

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