A new Wonder Woman?

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The purple beings resemble humans but they have no face but long purple hair, the same color as their skin 

Hippolyta "These are Circe's self-made zealots, fragments of her power. After battle, she unleashes them to cool off and recover whilst they take care of her post-fight deeds"

Becca "They're going after the people"

Hippolyta "Not if I step in"

Hippolyta then limps and picks up her sword. She fights the zealots off and protects the people

Hippolyta "Come Becca, we need to go to your home. You need time to rest and heal"

Becca "But..."

Hippolyta "We need to recover before we find Circe. Just like after her Cerberus illusion, she is most likely in stasis before unleashing her new attack. We cannot do anymore at the moment, but pray that Diana is safe under there"

Becca then drives the two home

Becca does an internal monologue "It has been 5 days, and no sign of Circe. I hear Diana talk to herself from time to time. I respect her privacy but sometimes I can't help but tune in. Trinia the bird visits our room but I have not attempted to say Diana is presumed dead, not that I know the bird will understand me or not. Her mother is coping unusually well, she has been very focused on trying to find Circe. She has stepped in to cover Diana's duties as Wonder Woman, and has been nicknamed Wonder Woman 2.0 by a small community. Hippolyta has a distinct approach to facing crime yet the way she moves reminds me of my angel. I can see why Diana spoke of her mother so highly. As for me, I feel empty. The hopes of rescuing her are wearing thin. Is my angel gone forever? Will Hippolyta truly be the new Wonder Woman?"

Hippolyta "I hope not"

Becca jumps

Hippolyta "Relax, relax Becca. I made you this"

Hippolyta gets a plate with feta cheese and spinach 

Becca "Diana's favorite? You mastered the use of the kitchen hob. You're a quick learner, like your daughter"

Hippolyta then puts the plate on the bedside cabinet 

Becca "I don't understand. You're so calm. You're focused to the task. I..."

Hippolyta hugs Becca "Who says I am calm? Who says I am not grieving inside? Becca, I put this face on and wear it as a mask. As Queen, grieving can wound my people more than enemy weapons. As Queen, I show the face the Amazons want to see, not the face they truly see. Diana has probably explained this before, but whilst we embrace truth, sometimes the core truth is not always a good idea to display. When my dear wife was slain, I almost ended my life, I could not eat for days, I lost countless hours of sleep. But the Amazons did not know this, some assumed but they did not see through mybrave face. They questioned if I needed time off, or if I was doing alright. I always said yes and focused on the task at hand, which was spreading our message of peace. I had to hide my grief because I had to uphold my ideals as Queen. Do not lose faith Becca, we will find our Diana and defeat Circe. Be vigilant"

Becca nods and looks at the food. Hippolyta confidently walks out but then runs to the bathroom and quietly throws up in the sink

Becca "Are you alright?"

Hippolyta "Yes yes, just had some indigestion"

Becca "There are some tablets on the top kitchen drawer"

Hippolyta "Thank you"

Hippolyta then looks into the mirror and cries 

Hippolyta "Diana, my baby. Oh my pearl"

"Mother, why are you crying?"

Hippolyta looks to the side and sees a young Diana next to her. She then has a flashback

A young Diana has fallen into a hole in the ground and is crying 

Young Diana "Mother, mother help me?"

A few seconds after, Hippolyta and a few Amazons look down

Hippolyta "Oh darling are you okay? What happened?"

Diana "I was trying to chase a butterfly but I fell in here. I want to get out"

Hippolyta then ties her lasso around her and asks a few Amazons to hold down whilst she descends. She carries Diana as she is lifted back up. She dismisses the Amazons and bends down to wipe the dirt of her daughter and hugs her

Hippolyta "Come here, I got you"

Hippolyta carries Diana to the palace

Artemis "Did the princess have a fall?"

Hippolyta "Yes just a small one, nothing we cannot fix"

Hippolyta carries Diana up to her room and sits her down. She gets some cloth and water and wipes Diana 

Diana "I was trapped there for a long time, it was scary"

Hippolyta "Oh I do not disagree sweetheart. I would have been crying too. But look at you, you're so brave and you came out strong. Only a few small scratches"

Diana "I never want to leave the palace again!"

Hippolyta "Now why is that? You do not want to see the kangaroos again? Play with your friends? See the sunsets?"

Diana "I just do not want to get hurt again"

Hippolyta "Diana, we cannot let minor inconveniences ruin our fun. We need to face these problems head on. With this, what you can do next is to look where you are walking. We have all fallen due to clumsiness but we get back up and be more attentive. We cannot live in fear, even on Themyscira"

Diana nods "Have you ever been scared?"

Hippolyta "Oh yes, many times. But in these moments, I combat the fear without hesitation. If someone tried to harm me or my loved ones, instead of cowering in fear, I confronted them. This is what you need to do Diana. Whilst this island offers Paradise, it helps us learn. Your friends have done this, remember when Aletha got kicked by the horse and broke her leg? She was in the hospital for 5 months till she returned. And the first thing she did was revisit the stables. Now she is the best stablewoman the Amazons have ever seen. This is who we are Diana"

Diana "I just, do not want to disappear forever. To be separated from you for eternity"

Hippolyta "Oh Diana, do not be silly. Nothing can separate us, especially with how tight I hug you"

Hippolyta kisses Diana 

Hippolyta "Sleep here with me tonight, I will ask the chefs to make your favorite dish"

Diana "Actually I want something else?" 

Hippolyta "And what is that?"

Diana "Blueberry pie for us to share"

Hippolyta "Oh you cheeky parrot" Hippolyta then tickles Diana and they laugh

Hippolyta "How about you have a blueberry pie and I have a blackberry one. We both share and watch the stars whilst we eat?"

Diana nods as the flashback fades away. Hippolyta comes back to reality and washes her face. The young Diana next to her in the bathroom disappears 

Hippolyta "Hang in there my precious daughter, we will see each other again"

Wonder Woman: The Return of the Sorceress (Part 4)Where stories live. Discover now