Smitten Excerpt (English)

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Part lang 'to ng kwento kasi tinatamad na naman ako. Hindi ko na madugtungan. ASDFGHJKL. Muli. Si Kras ang bida! Hahaha :D

Shiz. Hindi ko pa yan naeedit kaya hindi ako mahihiya sa Grammar ko. Wahahaha :D

Chapter 14      The Party

It was already night time when I woke up from my sleep. I gathered all my strength to get up from my bed. I stretched my legs and arms the farthest that they could reach. “Haayyy.” I yawned. I love this feeling. Waking up just right :’P

And suddenly the yellow clock hanging on the wall of my room caught my attention. “Holy Crap! 7:30?”

I walked close to it so I could see the time clearly. And yes.. It says 7:30.

“Hell NO!” I exclaimed as I try to find my phone in my bed. “Where the hell are you?!”

“Today I don’t feel like doin’ anything..”

The shit is ringing. Where the heck it is?

I could hear and imagine Bruno Mars and the monkeys on the music video. “I just want to stay in my bed..”

“Uh. There you go!”

I reached for it and.. “Waaaaaaaaaaah. 7:30?!” I said as my knees trembled. “Rovi..” I whispered as I imagined his impatient face waiting outside. My phone rang,  I pressed the answer key, “Hello!” and greeted him hesitantly. “Rovi.. Uhh. I’m really sorry! I just actually got back from Dreamland and.. And I’m sorry if I let you wait there..” I told him sincerely as I crawl on the floor, peek at my glass window. “Don’t worry.. I-I’ll be there in a minute.” I assured him.

He was outside our gate. He was leaning on his car, his right hand holding his phone. He looked so innocent. His appearance today concealed everything that has to be hidden. I mean.. He didn’t look like a gangster or a hoodlum or sort of. He looked so casual. I can’t see traces that this guy is a gangster for Heaven’s sake!

And another thing that I noticed was he looked so damn sexy tonight. Well, Rovi is always sexy but he being sexy tonight is different from those days we spent together. I just can’t believe that this dashing creature is mineeee. I mean.. MY BOYFRIEND. Though things were really unbelievable.

I waited for him to yell, scream and scold me but he did not..

From my window, I saw him sigh.

“Okay.. I’ll just wait here..” said calmly and there was silence. Silence for the next ten seconds. “Why are you still holding your phone? You’re supposed to get dressed by now right?” he went on.

Fuck Yeah. Am I really talking to Ros Virgel Tayag?

He looked so serene down there.

“Yeah..” I answered as I ended the call. “See you..”

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