The Day Kevin Walked Me Home (English)

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The Day Kevin Walked Me Home

“No I can’t stop thinking ‘bout you boy..”

I broke the silence of the night as I muttered the only line I knew from the song “U” while I walked in the dark and empty Nu Abo Drive to reach our home which was just located nearby. The noisy little crickets sang along with me.

I glanced in my watch which I’m fond of wearing on my right wrist. It was nearly 11 in the evening. I know that it was not proper for a 17 year old sophomore college student like me to walk by myself in this late hour of the night. On regular days I usually get home before the clock strikes 6:30. But today, I have to sacrifice my typical nights (spend by endless blogging and sleeping soundly) so that I would be able to finish the loads of paper works that our professor had given us. Though the tasks were given to us by group, it still feels like we were being tortured. But who am I to complain? I’m just a student. They are my superior.

The road I was taking was dark. The nearest light post that my sight could reach was still far. It was located on the corner of the road, few more blocks away from where I was. I did not mind the creepy atmosphere of the surrounding. I looked up to the sky, there were few stars glowing but the moon caught my attention. The moon, on its full phase glistened luminously in the vast velvet sky. It served as my light. I did not think of how tired I was as I take the eerie road. For all that I wanted in the moment was to reach our home, the soft bed and fluffy pillows that would welcome me once I enter my room after the long and tiring day that I had in school. The thought of seeing (the poster of) Logan Lerman on my wall smiling back at me makes me look more forward to go home.

As I continued walking, I thought of things to write in my blog. Little by little, the things that had happened today came back to me.

So how did my day start?

Aside from the usual wakeup call (my mother’s yell from downstairs telling me to get up) that I receive regularly for waking up late. The breaking news from the radio awakened my senses today.

“We interrupt this program for special news: A serial killer/part-time rapist was on the loose. His latest victim, Jessica Hwang was found dead on her home at Bingeul Road. Hwang, soaked on her own blood was said to be harassed and stabbed 9 times. The authorities are on the move to find the killer. The public is warned to take caution. Be sure to lock your house and do not wander off at night time, especially the women.”

The horrible death of this Jessica Hwang stayed on my mind as I head to school. ‘May her soul find peace and rest in heaven’ I thought.

I left our home late. I brought along with me the drawing (which was the plan for our group project) I was proud to say, the product of my strenuous effort last night. And yes, I arrived at school late as well.

It was not a strange thing for me to be late. Almost everyone in Kyu Min University- College of Arts knows me as Porschelana Vargas- the human form of turtles and snails. Some mean people call me a sloth. I call them beasts. Well, I couldn’t do anything about it, about being late. Because just like any other person in this planet, baby I was born this way.

What else to write huh? Ohh.. I had a close encounter with him today!

Kevin Leigh Kim- the tall and handsome guy from the College of Health Sciences, the artistic and smartest guy I had ever known and have ever liked since I spoke my first word as a toddler. The only man in the history of mankind that could make me squeal in happiness, jump like a kangaroo and move like an earthworm all at the same time. Yeah, he’s Kevin the only guy I ever thought of marrying.

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