Chapter 29 - Imagining

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Initial Notes

Hello, dear readers!

Sorry about the delay.

How are you liking the story so far? I'd love to read about it in the comments.

Here goes one more chapter.

Hope you like it!


Next day. Another stop: Captain Cook.

Once again, Will and I will be rooming together. Not that we had time to be in the room. As soon as we arrive at the new hotel, everyone wants to go explore Kealakekua Bay. This time I won't be able to escape diving.

But first we need to get to Kealakekua Bay. This requires a very pleasant boat ride. Along the way, we see wild dolphins and a whale, which I admit was incredible.

The tour guide told us about the marine animals there and the history of Kealakekua Bay, which was the birthplace of the Hawaiian monarch, King Kamehameha III, and the burial place of the 18th century Captain Cook.

Upon arriving, we dived into the coral reef, which was full of tropical fish of the most diverse colors, not to mention the corals which were magnificent.

This was just the first day. In the following days, we continued with the tours, exploring the bay and enjoying everything it had to offer.

After three days of fun, everyone was exhausted, which was why, at one o'clock in the afternoon, everyone was sleeping, including Will and I.

I was in a deep sleep until my cell phone started vibrating on the nightstand where I had placed it before going to sleep.

Without wanting to wake Will, I freed myself from his arms. This time he didn't offer any resistance, and I went out of the room to answer the phone.

"Hello," I answer my cell phone when I close the door.

"This is the fifth time I've called! What were you doing?" Thalia asks me.

"Sleeping," I answer.

"Sleeping? It's one p.m."

"So? It's summer. We're on vacation."

A pause. "Alright, you got me there. I'll let this one slide."

"How generous of you."

"On a distinct note, I called about an update."

"An update?" I ask, confused.

"Yes! An update on the Solangelo romance."

I arch an eyebrow. "Solangelo?"

I hear Thalia snort and I'm almost sure she rolls her eyes. "Yes. Solace + Angelo. Solangelo. It's my ship coming true!"

I walk down the hallway to the hotel lobby.

"Thalia. Don't be delusional. Will and I have nothing."

"So nothing happened since we last spoke?" she asks, emphasizing the word nothing, as if she knew something.

"What do you know?" I ask suspiciously.

I exit the hotel lobby and sit on a bench outside while talking to Thalia.

"Nothing really. I'm just trying to fish for information. It's just that my brother asked me questions about you and I was wondering why he was suddenly interested. And since he and Will are best friends, I thought maybe he was asking so he could tell Will."

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