Chapter 26 - Sunset Above The Clouds

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After hours, we finally arrive at our destiny. We aren't the only tourists here. There are a few more people scattered around the place, also waiting to see the sunset above the clouds.

Nico has been quiet for a long time. He hasn't said anything on the way from the observatory to here, which is not uncommon, but he seems to be deep in thought. He must be thinking about something serious, if the stern look on his face is any indication.

We take out 3 blankets from the car trunk, one for each couple, and spread them on the floor so we could sit while we waited for sunset, just 15 minutes to go.

Nico and I set our blanket far enough away from our parents so that they couldn't hear our conversation, but close enough that they can see us.

Nico continues to be deep in thought. I decide to give him time so as not to interrupt thoughts, but that only lasts for about ten minutes.

"Why are you so quiet?" I question Nico in an almost whisper, nudging his shoulder with mine to get his attention.

We were in a magnificent place and here, above the clouds, talking loudly doesn't seem right.

"I'm a silent person. You should know that about me," he answers, slightly grumpy, not taking his eyes off the horizon.

"What I mean is that you look thoughtful. A dollar for your thoughts?"

This makes him smile as I had planned.

"A dollar?" he asks.

"A penny seems very little to me."

Nico shakes his head, still smiling.

"So?" I ask.

Nico looks at me. His gaze is not exactly intense, is more contemplative and, for some reason, that warms me inside.

"I'm trying to understand," he whispers, turning his gaze to the horizon again, to the clouds that seem so close.

"Understand what?" I ask delicately, not wanting him to stop talking. I want Nico to trust me and let him know he can tell me anything.


"You'll have to be a little more specific," I say, watching his face. He's still looking straight ahead.

"I'm trying to understand how everything between us has changed so fast. How you suddenly changed so much. The problem is... I can't. I can't understand," he says, still whispering, but his tone gets sharper and more urgent as he speaks.

I get closer to Nico, our legs touch. Nico turns to look at me, which increases our closeness. The attraction between us previously unnoticeable for so many years now crackles like electricity around us, drawing us to each other.

"I have a solution," I whisper.

I take Nico's hand in mine. He looks at our clasped hands for a long minute. I use my other hand to caress his cheek, which makes him turn his eyes to mine.

At this moment, Nico looks so charming that my lips tingle, asking for one more kiss.

"I'm listening," he says.

"Well... How about... we don't rush to any conclusions? Let's use the rest of this trip to better understand each other and this whole situation. And about my sudden change... I can explain that to you. What do you say?"

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