Chapter 14 - Can We Start Over?

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Inicial Notes

Hello, Hello! Dear Readers <3

Thank you readers for the votes given in the previous chapter and for the comments.

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"If you don't answer, I'll think you're a virgin." Nico tells me, and I can feel his eyes on me.

It's clear that me being a virgin is not a possibility for Nico, but that's what I am.

I've had offers, as Nico said, but I could never go past kissing.

I even dated a couple of girls, because that's what was expected of me, but my heard wasn't in it. I liked their company, I find them pretty, but there was no real attraction.

Until recently, I thought there was something wrong with me, but looking back now, it should have been obvious.

It wasn't uncommon for certain boys to catch my eye, but I always brush it off, disregarding completely.

Until Nico.

I raise my head and look at Nico, really look at him as I have on other occasions, but this time with the perspective that what I feel for Nico, that has always left me confused, is attraction, pure and simple and very intense attraction.

An attraction that my confused mind turned into dislike.

It all makes sense now.

"I am," I answer Nico.

The total and complete surprise on Nico's face is almost comical, but I restrain my laughter.

"You are kidding," he deadpans.

"I'm seventeen. Just because I play basketball doesn't mean I have to have sex with all the girls I kiss."

Nico gets up from his chair, coming up to me and sitting by my side.

"Exactly! You are seventeen, war of hormones age. Didn't you ever want to? I mean, I'm sure you had offers," he says, curiosity clear in his eyes and his body language if his leaning closer to me is any indication.

Having Nico so close to me after my newfound discovery makes things harder. My eyes fall to his mouth, small and rosy and begging to be kissed.

Did I ever want to? I would say I really want to right now, but this isn't the time. There's much to be said and done yet.

"Would you look at the time? How about you go take a shower, get dressed and meet us downstairs in the lobby so we can go to dinner?" I say as I get up and go to the door, deciding that Nico is not prepared to hear the answer to his question.

"You're avoiding my question," he says.

I give him a smile before opening the door to leave.

"You'll know sooner or later, but not now. Go, you have to get ready for dinner."

I leave Nico's room, closing the door behind me, leaning against it and taking a deep breath, still rattled by the conversation.

I never thought Nico would be so straightforward. I always saw him as... innocent, but Nico didn't seem shy at all while talking about sex and he was surprised I was still a virgin, which means he... isn't, right? I feel an unpleasant feeling burn through my chest.


If there was any doubt before, there isn't now. I'm gay. And I like a boy. Nico Di Angelo.


Nico doesn't take long to get down to the lobby, now already set to leave. Hair still wet from the shower, a leather bracelet on his wrist, and again he's dressed all in black. It suits him, it really suits them. Maybe I should restrain myself from looking.

The chosen restaurant is close by, so we walk. Nico and I stay a little behind just listening in to our parents' conversation.

Nico breaks the silence. "Your parents are ... fun," he says, just loud enough for me to listen.

"Yes, I never get bored with them." I say, smiling.

Dinner is a lot of fun. Great food and great conversation. And it doesn't end there. Back at the hotel, my parents drag all of us to the hotel's game room.

Nico quits playing after a while, claiming to be tired, so he goes to sit. I play for a little while more before joining him on the bench.

"You're good at ping-pong," I compliment him.

"I know," Nico responds, not looking at me.

He seems thoughtful while facing our parents who are now playing foosball.

"We don't know much about each other," I say.

"I wonder why," Nico muses, ironic.

I sag against the bench. "All right. You can say it. It's my fault."

Nico finally looks at me, a small smile on his lips. "It's your fault," he says, his smile growing larger.

Nico's smile fascinates me. Every time I see it, I catch myself imagining all I can do to make it happen again and again and again.

Over the years, I haven't seen him smile much, which I know is my fault. That gets me thinking. "Do you think we'd be close? You know ... If I weren't such an ... You know?"

"A jerk?" Nico says what I didn't, but his tone of voice is friendly.

I nod:

"Yeah. That." I say, embarrassed.

Nico returns to face our parents. "I think we had everything to be," he says, his voice low and slightly melancholy.

I stretch my left arm on the back of the couch and lean toward Nico, suddenly feeling this need to be closer to him, as close as I can be without touching him.

I see Nico shiver. Is he cold? Is he affected by me, maybe?

Sensing my approach, Nico turns to look at me. We are only mere inches away, but Nico doesn't back down.

I take a deep breath before speaking. "Can we start now?" I ask in a low voice.

I decide to risk a little more by touching Nico's hair. His hair is now dry and soft on my fingers.

Nico stares at me for a while, looking me straight in the eye. We've never been so close to each other for so long. I can clearly see every detail of his perfect face, his eyes, his nose, his rosy and tempting mouth, his white, soft, flushed skin. I wonder if Nico's heart is racing like mine.

At this moment, I have all of Nico's attention, and it's so different from when I would mess up with him to get it. It's better.

"I don't know," Nico finally answers, looking away, breaking the connection between us.

"Can we at least try?" I insist.

Nico walks away, he gets up and before going towards his parents he says, "I'll think about it."

Final Notes

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