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Prompt: A one-shot where Alastor's daughter follows him to work and interrupts him when he's on the air. Requested by @ hooman_does_cosplay 💜

As dawn light filters through the curtains, into their bedroom, Alastor winces and flips over to his side to shield his vision. His eyes slowly flutter open with an annoyed glare shooting over to the morning. He takes a moment to get his bearings, his mind still cloudy with fatigue. He feels the gentle weight of Esme and Geneviève beside him, their soft breaths a familiar and comforting sound.

He reaches out, gently caressing Esme's cheek. He was never one for physical touch, but she was a magnet for him.

She whines softly and begins to stir in her sleep. Her eyes flutter open and connect with his, "Mornin', handsome." She whispers in a low, raspy, tone.

"Hello, darling. Time to wake up."

She rubs her eyes, "Time for work?" She whispers, being sure not to wake Geneviève.

He sighs with a furrowed brow as he stretches. He always needed extra time to wake up in the morning, having to prepare his mind for another way of his charming persona. In reality, he couldn't be bothered with it all so early. Usually, he didn't get much sleep in the evenings, always on the hunt for stray 'gentleman' to make lovely additions for his roasts and stews. But now that his life had dialed down to a more domestic style, he spent most of his time at home. The unsatisfied urge within him often left him a bit more grouchy than usual in the mornings.

"Unfortunately, yes," he replies, his voice still tinged with a hint of tiredness. "Have to get myself ready for today's show."

"Oh." Esme frowns, placing Geneviève on the mattress. She snores softly into the pillow. Esme watches him get up from the bed and stretch once more before reaching to the nightstand and grabbing his glasses.

"Can I bring little miss down to say hi? You know she always misses you."

He nods, his expression softening at her request, "Of course. She's always welcomed there, the guys love her."

"I know your secretary does." Esme snickers with a bitter tone, getting up and walking to the bathroom to freshen up.

Alastor raises an eyebrow at her comment, sensing the change in her energy, "What do you mean by that?" He asks.

She motions him to follow her to the bathroom, so as to not disturb Geneviève. He walks over, leaning against the doorframe.

"She keeps making comments about Genny..." Esme rolls her eyes as she begins to wash her face.

He crosses his arms and tilts his head slightly to the side, "What kind of comments?"

"Calling her 'my girl' or 'my joy', as if she gave birth to her." Esme hissed.

He scoffs and lets out a small chuckle at her explanation, "Oh, don't let some secretary's words get to you. She's harmless."

"She has it in for you." Esme raises an eyebrow, "Wants you and your baby all to herself."

Alastor rolls his eyes, a mixture of annoyance and disbelief across his face.

"I don't entertain those sorts of thoughts," he assures her. "I'm married to you. That's not going to change." He chuckles, "Besides, she'd be a fool to cross you."

Esme smiles, wiping her face with a towel, "I know~" She giggles, "But that bitch gets under my skin."

Alastor chuckles at her colorful language, knowing how protective and possessive she can be. He steps closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Oh, that's a show I definitely wouldn't want to miss..."

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