Chapter 5

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Ally's POV

After taking a hour long nap, I decided it was time to go ask Zayn some questions about my life. I got up and walked down the two flights of stairs. I heard a bunch of different voices as I walked towards the kitchen. Who was here?

I continued to walk towards the voices which seems to be a bunch of guys. As I turn the corner I see the boys that were there when I woke up from my coma. One of them had curly brown hair and a cheeky smile. One had blonde hair and blues eyes. There was the other two that had brown hair but one of them had it some what shaved. Then there was Zayn.

He noticed I walked in the room and so did the rest of the boys as they all just stared at me.

"Hi" I say feeling so awkward.

"Hey, how was your nap?" Zayn says.

" who are these people?"

"oh well these are my best friends, why don't you guys go around and say your name and one fact about yourself....maybe it will help Ally remember." Zayn says.

This is so frustrating. I need to meet everyone all over again.

"I am Liam and I have a fear of spoons." The brown haired that was some what shaved boy said. I laugh at the fact he has a fear of spoons.

"I am Niall and I am Irish" The blonde haired blue eyed one said.

"I am Louis and I am in love with Hazza!" The other brown haired boy said as he kissed the curly hair boy on the cheek.

"Don't confuse her!" Zayn says towards Louis.

"Sorry Ally, I am the joker in the group unlike your hubby over there." Louis says, I laugh because he does seem like he is the joker in the group and Zayn is so, well serious.

"it's fine, and you are?" I say pointing to the curly haired boy with these beautiful green eyes that you can just look at for hours.

" I am Harry, Harry Styles" He says as he shakes my hand and winks at me. I laugh at how he seems he is very flirtatious.

"Harry, back off she might get the wrong idea" Louis jokes

"well these are my friends. Are you hungry? We are going to order pizza." Zayn says.

I didn't realize it until now that I was starving, I haven't eaten since this morning at the hospital.

"yeah, I'm starving actually" I say with a giggle.

The boys laughed too. At that moment I felt like I belonged.

"I will order the pizza and Niall and I will go get it" Liam said picking up the phone.

"I want to come too!" Louis says.

"Okay then me, you and Harry can just go watch some t.v." Zayn says as the three of us go into to living room.

Zayn sits on the love seat, while me and Harry sit in the other couch. Zayn looks at me, seeming like he is upset that I didn't sit next to him.

"so what do you guys want to watch?" Harry says picking up thr remote.

"Can I actually ask you guys some questions about me?" I ask.

I still wanted to know where are my parents and why I moved and other things I had done.

"Sure anything babe." Zayn says and I look away when he says babe. It is to strange to hear that from a stranger.

"Where are my parents? I know I wouldn't just move to London, I was so close to my family. What happened." I ask

Harry looks at Zayn, as Zayn starts to fidget in his seat. Harry makes eye contact with Zayn and it seems they both are nervous on how to answer.

"Well I am going to leave you two to talk about this." Harry says as he goes to stand up.

"No! I want you to be here too. You can confirm if its the truth. Not like you would lie, just its hard to believe people I just met. I just want answers." I say and Harry sits back down.

"Okay, I just want to warn you that the information that I am going to tell you, is not good...actually you might not believe it, but I am going to tell you the truth, because I love you and want you to remember." Zayn says looking into my eyes and I nod so he can continue.

"I am going to start with when you were 17. We still didn't meet yet but you told me why you left home. It was about a month before your were turning 18. Your parents had been fighting with each other for some time now. It was a everyday thing you said. But that day was different. Your brothers, James and Kyle decided that it would be good to take you to the mall." Zayn paused.

"Zayn, tell me I can handle it." I said

"Well when you and your brothers returned home, there was police cars surrounding your house." Zayn paused again, as tears started to form in his eyes. Oh, God what happened.

"There is no easy way to say this but your mom had died." He stops and tears start to fall from my eyes and his.

"No, she can't be...She is alive...Harry?"

"Its true...I am sorry Ally." Harry says as his arms engulf me into a hug. I just start crying into his chest.

My mom died, how? why? I still had questions but I couldn't stop crying. Harry let go of me and wiped some of the tears away with his thumb. I looked into his eyes and I could just look at them all day.

"Ally...there is more, but I don't know if you want to wait. It might be too much for one day." Zayn says, interrupting my gaze into Harry's eyes.

"um I want to hear it, I need to know." I said.

"well your mother was murdered" Zayn paused and just looked into my eyes and grabbed my hand. My first reaction was to pull away, but I trust Zayn, I mean he was crying as well. Why would he lie about my mom. He obviously loved me.

"By who?" I softly spoke as Harry rubbed my back.

"HEY! PIZZA IS HEREEEE!" Niall yelled as the 3 returned.

"I will go stall them so you can regroup yourselves" Harry says as he gets up and walks out of the room.

"Ally, can we finish this conversation later... or we can go finish this up stairs, its up to you." Zayn says

"We can finish it later, I'm starving and it I need to have a break to soak it all in."

"okay well lets get some pizza!" Zayn pulls me up off the couch and wipes the rest of the tears of my face with his thumb.

"How do I look?" I ask.

"You look beautiful, love" Zayn says and I blush.


So chapter 5. OMG her mom was who?



-sara xox

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