Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

"Sure I think I need some after sleeping with Harry" I hear Ally say when I walked into Lou's hotel room.

"What?" I say. Not sure if I heard correctly.

"Hey Harry what are you doing here?" El asks.

"um... well Lou left his cell phone and he was already at the club and I didn't leave yet so I told him I would come get it...I didn't think you two would be here..." I say

"Oh well here is Lou's phone" El says handing me the phone.

I look over to Ally who has not said a word since I walked in the room and won't even look at me.

"So Ally Zayn didn't tell me you were hanging out with El, he said you were at your brother's house." I say trying to get her to say or even look at me. She is hiding something.

"oh well I wanted to have some girl time and Zayn doesn't know so don't tell him please" She says finally looking at me. There are some tear stains on her cheek, why was she crying.

"Oh I won't...but are you okay? Did something happen last night?"

"You know what, I think I will actually go to the store and get a tub of ice cream....I think we are going to need it" El says picking up her bag and phone as she is walking towards the door.

"El! Your leaving me?" Ally yells

"I will be back. You two need to talk." She says and leaves the room.

"Ally what happened last night? I know you aren't telling me the truth." I say sitting on the couch next to her.

"I still love you....and last night when you were saying how much you love me, I could not help but kiss you. It just didn't stop at a kiss...we had sex last night." She says as a tear falls down her cheek.

"Don't cry. I love you Ally." I say pulling her into a hug.

"I love you too Harry, but what about Zayn?" She says as her head rests on my chest.

"You tell him the truth....He will understand" I say.

"Maybe but I don't think we can work out either. I can't just leave Zayn for his best friend it will ruin your friendship. I can't let that happen."

"Ally, look at me" I say lifting her chin up.

"We can work, we both love each other and that's all that matters." I say then lean in and kiss her.

Her  lips so soft. I miss this. I want this forever.

She pulls away "What about Zayn?"

"We don't tell him, after you break up with him we keep it a secret. He doesn't need to know not so soon."

"We could try" She says leaning her head back on my chest.


"So you guys are going to keep you two a that really going to work?" El says.

"Of course as long as you don't tell anyone" I say

My phone starts to ring and its ironic. I pick it up.


"Harry where are you man?"

"Oh sorry El need help with a surprise for Lou, I will be there soon."

"You better be I have a girl that I want you to meet"

"Okay I will leave now." I say and hang up.

Well this will be fun. I can't act like I have a girlfriend around the boys and they are going to try to set me up. As long as I am with Ally I am willing to keep up this act. I love Ally and want to be with her. Hopefully Zayn won't find out because if he does who knows what will happen.


Thanks for all the reads! Please comment to let me know if you like Ally with Zayn or Harry and please vote!

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