Chapter 22

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Zayn's POV

I am dreading to go on stage. I don't want to sing, I just want to lay in bed and cry. I have lost my true love. She doesn't love me and I can't do anything about it. I have to pull myself together for the fans so they don't suspect anything. I don't need the whole world to know yet, I can't handle that yet. I usually keep to myself and with this fame part of my job makes it hard to do that.

It's five minutes before we go on and Niall come up to me.

"Hey man I heard about Ally...just to let you know she did love you, she told me herself but she didn't love you as much as you love her. So don't think that she didn't love you. Just think that it wasn't meant to be, there is another girl out there for you and she will love you forever." He says patting me on the back.

"Thanks" I say.

It's show time.

The five of us walk on stage and the fans start screaming so loud. For a moment I forget about what has happened in the past couple and months and we start to sing. After a sing a bunch of upbeat songs we sing "Little Things". This reminds me of Ally. I use to sing this to her all the time.

I can feel tears start to fill my eyes as I start to sing the song. The boys notice that I am struggling to keep the tears back so Lou comes running over to me and gives me a hug. I start to laugh Liam takes over and sings his part. If it wasn't for Lou I would have ran off stage crying.

I was now looking out to the fans in the front row and notice Ally. Why is Ally here? I walk closer to the front of the stage right in front of her. I was looking straight out her and she mouthed the words "I'm sorry" and looked away. That's when I turned and ran of the stage. Some of the people that work backstage tried to stop me but I continued to run until I made it to my dressing room.

I must have cried on the couch for the rest of the concert. Management were trying to get me out but I would not answer them. I just wanted to be alone. I lost the love of my life and she was here tonight. Why? I didn't invite her? How did she get tickets?

I hear a knock at the door. "Zayn, are you okay?" it was Liam.

I get up from the couch and slowly walk to the door to unlock it.  I open the door and walk back to the couch and lay down on it.

"I saw that Ally was here tonight. I am sorry man, I didn't know she would be here today but we are going out so lets go." He says grabbing my jacket and throwing it at me.

"Why was she even here?" I ask with an angry tone.

"You didn't give her the tickets?" Liam says confused.

"No! Why would I do that after what happened today?!" I say getting really mad.

"Okay I will go figure out how she got tickets but in the mean time get ready to go out." He says and walks out of the room.

Harry's POV

I get back to my dressing room and start to call Ally. After Zayn saw her in the audience, I knew that I couldn't hangout with her tonight. He is a mess and I feel too guilty to be with Ally when he is like this. I start to call Ally.

"Hey! OMG YOU WERE AMAZING!" she yells into the phone. I smile at how happy she is.

"Ally, I can't hangout with you tonight. Zayn saw you tonight and he is a mess." I say.

"I understand. But I really enjoyed seeing you on stage and your voice is amazing! Why don't you sing more? OMG THAT WAS AMAZING" she says babbling on really excited and happy from the concert.

"Thanks and I will sing to you, don't you worry but I have to go some one is knocking the door. I love you!" I say and hang up the phone.

I go over to the door and see that Liam is there.

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