Chapter 28

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Liam's POV

"What do you want to eat?"

"Do we have any mac and cheese?"  Ally asks.

"Um I could make you some" I say walking over to the stove.

"Thank you, at least one person cares about me." She says.

"What do you mean?"

"Harry doesn't care about me and then I went to Zayn and he was just annoying." She says like she is about to cry.

"Ally, I don't understand what happened" I say sitting next to her.

"I can't tell you." She says and I see a tear roll down her face.

"You can tell me anything. I don't judge." I say giving her a hug.

"Can you just make me mac and cheese?" She says pulling out of the hug.

"Okay, I just want to go to the bathroom real quick." I say.

I leave the kitchen and go upstairs. I want to go talk to Zayn and Harry real quick. There is something bothering Ally and I hate to see anyone cry. I knock on Harry's door and tell him to go to Zayn's room. I walk down the hall to Zayn's room and walk in.

"Zayn! Get up! I have to talk to you about something" I say pulling his covers off.

"What?! I'm sleeping!" He yells angrily.

"Why did you wake me up?" Harry says as he walks into the room yawning.

"What did you guys do to Ally? She was crying." I say.

"Don't look at me, Ally is divorcing me." Zayn says.

I look at Harry, who seems guilty.

"What did you do now?"

"I can't say." Harry say looking down.

"Really a girl is crying in the kitchen and you can't tell me what you did!" I yell at him.

"I'm sorry I just can't" He says.

"Harry you can say it....I know about you and Ally" Zayn says.

"You do?!" Harry says in surprise.

I just stand there was a confused look on me face.

"What is going on?" I ask.

"How do you know?" Harry asks Zayn.

"Ally told me in the car."

"Oh, I am really sorry you need to know that." Harry says.


"Tell me what is going on." I say.

"Me and Ally are together and when we were alone tonight she wanted to know and I told her not with you boys upstairs and also the fact that she had just taken pain pills. She got made at me and is now thinks I don't love her."

"Oh. You took Ally for Zayn what is wrong with you? He is one of your best friends and you date his wife what kind of person does that? I would try to help you with Ally but not when you do something like this. I am going to go back downstairs to make Ally some food and make her feel better. Even though I hate the thought of you two together I care about Ally because she is like family so I am going to try to make her feel better." I say I am so angry to hear that Harry is with Ally.

"I'm sorry I was going to tell you guys but I wanted to make sure Zayn was over Ally first."

"I will never get over her, she is the love of my life. I would do anything for her" Zayn says.

"I am sorry. I really am. It just happened."

"I can't even look at you. Zayn do you want to try to cheer Ally up with me?" I say.

"Sure" Zayn says and the two of us start to walk out of the room. I hear Harry talking to us but we act like he isn't there.

We walk into the kitchen and Ally isn't there. There is a note on the table the reads:

       I am sorry that I left but I need time to think. I don't think I am going to come back. I think there is to much drama for me to handle. I really can't thank you enough boys for helping after my accident and everything before it as well. I love you all, take care of yourselves.

          xoxo Ally <3

"She left?!" Zayn says.

"Yeah...wait here is a envelope its addressed to you" I say picking up the envelope and handing it to Zayn.

Zayn's POV

I open the letter and it reads:

         Dear Zayn,

I am sorry I didn't say good bye to you in person, I don't think I would be able to leave if I did. I just wanted to let you know that I still love you and I always will. As I was sitting here waiting for Liam to come back down stairs, I was think about the past. As I was think I started to remember everything. I remembered our first kiss, our first date and the day we met. Those were the happy things I remembered but the sad ones of me cheating on you and us fighting. That is the reason I am leaving I don't want to cause you anymore pain. I put you through so much and you stayed with me. I love you for that but you deserve a better women than me and you know that. I will never forget you Zayn Malik. It is really hard for me to say goodbye but it has to be done at some point.

     Love, Ally

P.S. I will always carry a piece of the rose.

"What  does it say?" Liam asks.

"She remembers and she still loves me! SHE LOVES ME!" I yell with joy.

"Where did she go?" Liam asks.

"To the rose." I say.


SO that is the end of this book but there is going to be a sequel up soon. It is going to be about finding Ally and what happens to Harry and Zayn. So I hope you enjoyed this one.


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