Chapter 6

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Zayn's POV

I felt so bad having to tell Ally about her mom, but what happens when she finds out who did it. Will she believe me. This is so hard for the both of us.

The boys and Ally are in the living room watching some Tv, I just need time to be alone. I haven't been alone since the accident. I walk up stairs to my bedroom and just lay on the bed. I turn to face the window and see the picture of Ally and me on our honeymoon. I remember we went to Hawaii and it was so beautiful there. I wish she remembered. I just want to hold her in my arms again and kiss her. I love her so much.

I didn't realized I started to cry until I heard someone say "Zayn, are you okay?"

It was Ally and I quickly wiped the tears away. I don't want her to see me like this, I don't want her to feel bad for not remembering.

"yeah, um I am fine, don't worry about it." I say getting up from the bed.

"you sure, you seem upset."

"yeah its nothing...What are you doing up here?" I say trying to change the subject.

"I wanted know the rest of what happened." she says sitting on the bed. I go over and sit down next to her.

"okay, are you sure you want to know?"

"positive I need to know what happened, I can't just live in my new life not knowing about my past."

"okay then you have to believe me, I will always tell you the truth" I say putting my hand on her leg, looking her into her green eyes.

"I will try..." she says as she pushes my hand away.

"So you came home and the police say your mother has been murdered."

She looks down and starts to cry, it is so hard to see her hurt again over something that she has already been through. I take her hand in mine. This time she let me. I give her a little smile in return.

"wh-who was it?" she says through her crying.

"your father..." I say just watching her face drop and she immediately gets up and starts to walk towards the door.

"Ally wait!" I say as I get up and just wrap her in my arms before she walked out of the room.

She just turns around and hugs me and just cries into my chest. I start to cry to, just seeing her hurt this much hurts me.

"How could he? Why? Where is he now?" She says through crying.

"He is in jail, in New York...After you and your brothers heard this news just lived together for another 2 months. But once you turned 18 you decided to leave the country. You told me, that leaving in the U.S. where everyone knew who you were and known for what your father did was to hard. You wanted a fresh start. You moved here to London. Your brothers went there own way to, you haven't talked to them since you moved..."

I finish up to that part because that is so much to take in. Her mom was killed by her father and she doesn't talk to her brothers. I don't think there could be worse news, you could give someone who just woke up from a coma.  I just keep holding her in my arms as she continues to cry.

Ally's POV

I don't know how long I was crying but Zayn never stopped holding me. After hearing all that I did not want to be alone. I was broken. My whole world was turned upside down. I have no family.

I finally pull away from Zayn and look up at him. He was taller than me, my head was able to rest perfectly on his shoulder. He gave me a small smile as he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

We must have just looked at each other for around five minutes. No one said anything. I was taking in his brown eyes, perfect smile and just his whole face. I did not want to forget him again. He made me feel safe, even though I just met him.

"So...its 5pm are you hungry? Do you want anything?" He interrupts the sweet silence.

"oh um we were up here for 2 hours?"

"yeah" he says as he laughs, which makes me smile.

"What about your friends? Are they still here?"

"Oh about that one...that's kinda a funny story"


"You know those rooms on the second floor, well they live with us..." He says looking at me, I guess waiting for my reaction. I live with five guys, what?

" yeah sorry, if you want I could have them go stay somewhere for a couple of days...I mean if you want to be alone, I know it seems weird, but don't worry...." He says then starts to mumble something.


"oh nothing doing you want dinner?" he says changing the subject. 

"Zayn tell me! Why do these boys live with us?" I say

"Im going to make dinner, I will tell you when its ready." he says avoiding the subject. He walks out of the room but comes back in and I was not ready for this.

He leans in and kisses my cheek.

"It would be too much for one day, I love you babe" he says then turns and walks out.

I stand there surprised. I put my hand up to my cheek where Zayn had just put his lips.


 "Hey, you want to dance?" this boy comes over to me while I am talking to some friends. I giggle. Being a little drunk.

He has this brown curly hair and beautiful green eyes.

"Only if you buy me a drink." I say in return.

"Of course" He grabs my hand and he buys me a drink. We go over to the dance floor.

We start to grin. When he starts to kiss my neck. His soft pink lips feel so good against my skin.

"What's your name beautiful?" He says between kisses.

"Ally, you?"





So her father killed her mother!!

She has no family:(

ZAYN kissed her and she had a thing with harry???? WHAT?!?



-sara xox

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