Chapter 10

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Ally's POV

Liam runs into the room.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HARRY'S FACE?" He yells at Zayn.

I look at Zayn waiting for him to respond. He leans over to me.

"I am sorry, don't hate me" he whispers in my ear. What did he do to Harry?

"Liam, I didn't mean to hit him but he dated Ally." He says and Liam's mouth makes a "O" shape.

"What?!" He says surprised. Looking at me. I just look down, not wanting to talk to everyone about me and Harry.

I love Harry, but he says we can't happen. I can't express how I feel while Zayn is around , because its awkward. Try telling your husband you are in love with his best mate and you don't love him. It is so hard to hide how I feel. 

"Ally and Harry dated before she met me. They broke up because she fell in love with me. Isn't that right Ally?" He says looking at me.

This is the first time I heard that I broke up with Harry. He is such a great guy and I threw that away because of Zayn. Zayn is sweet but why did I leave Harry for him. I am so angry at myself for losing Harry.

I just stand there as I think about all this and I can feel the tears building up in my eyes. I try to hold them back.

"Zayn, I don't know what happened to me and Harry" I say quickly before the tears could fall. I get off the bed and walk fast past Zayn and Liam. I wanted to get out of there before I started to cry. I need to go find Harry. I want to talk to him more about our past. he just can't leave me like this.

I walk down stairs to the boys gathered around Harry, who has ice on his eye.

"Harry are you okay?" I ask.

I walk over and Harry pats the seat next to him. I sit down.

"Did Zayn do this to you?" I ask.

"Yeah but don't hate him. I deserved it. I will be fine." He says.

"Looks like it will be a nice shade of purple" Louis says. As the rest of us laugh.

"What is management going to say about this? Harry can't go on stage like that." Niall says.

I look at him confused. Stage?

"What is your job Harry?" I ask. I just want answers and I don't think I will get them.

"Oh it is nothing, it is not important" He says not looking at me. I look at the other boys and they just look at the ground. I see Louis push Niall and he mumbles something, but I could not quite hear it.

"Harry, Why don't you give me answers? I am clueless about my past and you are the only one I remember. I really need you to tell me things. I am so lonely right now...I just have you." I say as a tear escapes my eye. I wipe it away quickly.

I forgot Louis and Niall were standing there when I said that and I look up to see there shocked faces. 

"Lou, Niall can you give me and Ally some time to talk." He says and the boys nod and walk away.

"Ally, I can't tell you everything. Zayn wants to tell you everything. I wish I could tell you but I don't want two black eyes do I?" He says laughing a bit and I smile.

"Okay, I will ask Zayn. Did I break up with you for Zayn?" I asked looking at him.

He turns towards me taking the ice pack away from his eye. "well, I ended it because I found out you were cheating on me with some other guy. It turns out it was Zayn. I was crushed but I moved on. It was awkward when Zayn wanted me to meet his girlfriend, but we agreed we would never let anyone know."

"I am so sorry, I didn't know I was someone that could cheat. I am a different person than I think I am." I say.

I cheated on Harry, how could I do that, I love him.

"Ally, I forgive you so don't worry about me, just worry about trying to get your life back to normal."

"It will never be normal...I am in love with you Harry and I am married to his best friend. But the worst part is that I don't remember my own husband. I want to be with you not Zayn, I need you Harry" I say grabbing his hands with mine.

"Ally, we can't be together, as badly as I miss us, it will never happen. Just try to get to know Zayn. " He says letting go of my hands.

I frown and a tear falls down my face. Then a bunch of tears start to fall and I started to cry. I must have been crying pretty loud because all the boys came running into the room. 

"HARRY WHAT DID YOU DO NOW?" Zayn yells. As he pulls me into a hug.

"I-Its nothing, I J-just am heartbroken..." I say between cries.

"Ally, Its okay I am here for you. Cry all you want I won't be leaving you." Zayn says, as I lay my head on his chest, smelling his cologne.

"Ally we are all here for you" Liam says patting me on the back.

They all seem to care so much about me, I really lucky to have all of them. I never really had any friends growing up it was just my parents and me and my brothers. To have these boys care about me is such a great feeling.

"Ally" Zayn says lifting my chin "Want to hear the surprise now?" He says with a small smile.

"Only if it will make me happier" I say. I don't think I can handle anymore bad news.

"So boys why don't we sing a song?" Zayn says.

"1,2,3,4 You're insecure, don't for what for...." Liam starts to sing.

My mouth forms a O shape and then I look at Zayn as Liam continues to sing.

"You guys are One Direction?" I ask in a whisper so Zayn was the only one to hear  and he just nods his head.

OMG I am living with five of the biggest stars in the world!

They continue to sing "what makes you beautiful" and I smile the whole time.

So in the past four years, I lost my mom, dad and my brothers. I had a relationship with Harry, that no one knew about. I cheated on him and then married his best friend. Oh and they are in the biggest boy band in the world. Who am I?



Sorry this chapter isn't that good but I have been busy and wanted to update for you guys! So please Comment and Vote! if you want a update sooner.

Do you want her to be with Harry or Zayn? I would like to know your opinions!

Thanks for reading to all of you!

~sara xox

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