Chapter 16

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Zayn's POV

"What the hell man!" I yell at Harry.

James just took Ally from the restaurant. She looked heartbroken and angry. James was furious of what he was hearing. I don't blame him but I never did anything wrong but love her.

Harry just sits there not saying anything. Now he shuts his mouth. Everyone still were in shock of what just happened.

"Why would you say that? You knew I wanted to impress him. Stop being jealous and move the fuck on!" I yell and get up from the table. There was no way I would be able to be near Harry without trying to punching him in the face again.

I go out the back way and there is our car there. I get in and ask Paul to drive me to the hotel. He sees that I am upset and doesn't ask, he just drives. I take out my phone and remember I put Ally's phone in her purse. I decide to text her.

Harry's POV

I know I was out of line to bring up the whole divorce, but I want to be with Ally. I love her, I never stopped. I just hope Ally doesn't hate me. I just need James to like me better than Zayn and Ally will probably fall in love with me again. I just think that we belong together, we never fought. We loved each other, but then she fell for Zayn.

Truth is I knew she was cheating on Zayn and knew she was going to leave him soon before the accident happened. She came to me to tell me goodbye and sorry that she left me for Zayn. She also said that it was one of the worst mistakes she made in life. She told me that the day before the accident. I wish that I was brave enough to kiss her and never let her go but I just couldn't let myself. I regret it everyday I see her with Zayn.

"Harry! What was that for? You ruined that for Zayn!" Niall says.

"I don't know. It slipped." I say not knowing how to explain myself.

"Harry can I talk to you" Lou says excusing himself from the table. I get up and follow him.

We walk towards the restrooms.

"Harry! What was that? and no bullshit, there is no fooling me" He says

"I still love her. I want to be with her. I just go jealous and couldn't help but ruin it for him." I say feeling bad.

"Harry you have to accept that you guys are never getting back together. i am sorry but I think it will work for them this time."

"No I don't believe it. The day before the accident she came to me and told me she was leaving Zayn and told me that leaving me was the biggest mistake she has made. I should have kissed her but I didn't. I love her so much Lou. I just want to be with her." I said feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Oh Harry, I am so sorry. She doesn't remember that does she. Here we will go party and you will forget about her. "

"yeah but you have El with you...I don't want to be a third wheel."

"I will tell her its guys night and that you need a little boo bear time" He says giving me a hug.

"Okay lets get drunk!" I say and we both walk back to the table.


I don't really remember much from last night but that Lou and I went to this club. There was a lot of people there and I was dancing with this brown haired girl. That is all I remember.

My head is pounding from the light that is coming through the curtains. Why did I get so drunk? Oh yeah to forget about Ally. It worked until now.

I hear someone in the bathroom. I bet it is the girl from the club, I really am going to regret last night.

I get up out of the bed slowly because my head is literally in so much pain. I make my way to the bathroom to take some Advil.  I open the door and see that it wasn't the girl from the club. It was Ally.

"Harry! Get out!" she screams as she is in a towel.

"sorry. don't scream my head hurts, I need some Advil." I say being really confused of what happened last night.

"Okay get what you need then get out" She says.

I grab the Advil and walk out. What the hell happened last night? Did I have sex with Ally? How did I end up with her? I need to go find Lou.

I put on some sweatpants since I was just in my boxers. I go and walk down the hall to Lou's room but before I got there Zayn walked out of his room.

"Hey I heard you had a fun night?" He says winking at me. Oh if he only knew...

"Yeah I guess, I don't remember much" I say.

"Well Lou said you met a new girl and that you brought her to your room last night. I am happy that you are moving on, I don't like us fighting over Ally." He says and all I feel is guilt.

"Yeah I hate fighting do you have the time?"

"11:30 we have to leave for rehearsal in 20 minutes"

"Oh well I better get ready then uh bye" I says and pretty much run back to my room.

I close the door and see Ally sitting on the bed looking at her phone.

"Hey" I say really awkward.

"Hi how are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?"

"your head?" She says giving me a questioning look.

"Oh its okay now...uh what happened last night?" I ask nervously.

"You don't remember? I am not surprised, you were so drunk." she says laughing.

"You called me multiple times to come see you because you were lonely, you started to cry and I got my brother to drive me here as long as I promised not to see Zayn. He is so annoying, but anyways I came here and you were yelling at a brunette about how she isn't me and you just want to have me in your I told the girl to leave and I will handle you. When you saw me you literally acted like a child on Christmas. You then started to say how much you loved me and then you fell asleep and I went to sleep on the couch"  She says seem to be nervous about something.

"So pretty much I was expressing everything I feel and I didn't make a move....That is not like me.." I say questioning her.

"Yeah nothing happened" She says getting a bit defensive.

Something happened and I have to figure out what.

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