Chapter 25

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Ally's POV

"What happened?" I ask.

"You passed out at the jail and hit your head on the table but the doctor said you just have a minor concussion." Kyle says.

"Oh great. Why are you guys here?" I ask to the boys.

"Your brother called us. He thought you would want us here with you." Zayn says taking my hand.

"Oh thank you Kyle" I say.

"How's your head?" Harry asked.

"It hurts a little but I am sure I will be fine."

"I am glad you are okay. I was worried" Zayn says still holding my hand.

"Zayn you can let go. I am fine." I say.

"Oh I am sorry. I kind of forgot..." He says letting go of my hand and walking out of the room.

"I will follow him" Liam says.

"I will come to" Niall says following Liam out of the room.

"I didn't mean to make him upset." I say.

"Don't worry, he will be okay. I'm glad you are okay." Harry says taking my hand.

I smile up to him and he smiles back.

"I will go talk to the doctor, to see when you can leave." Kyle says leaving the room.

"So what mad you pass out?" Harry asks.

"I went to see my dad. He told me everything about the day he killed my mom. He says it was an accident. I am just in shock I don't have my mom or dad. They are gone. And the worst part is I don't remember the past five years!" I say crying with anger.

"Ally it's going to be okay. I am here for you" Harry says hugging me.

"How do you know? I will probably never going to remember and I hate that!"

"Ally look at me. It will be okay. I am going to be with you and I love you." Harry says then kisses me.

"Well this is awkward...." Lou says making me push Harry away.

"Don't worry he knows, he found out this morning"  Harry says holding my hand.

"Oh....but you aren't going to tell? I want to tell Zayn." I say.

"No I won't if you tell him soon. I don't want you to hide this from him forever. He deserves to know." Lou says.

"I am going to tell him soon. I will tell him once I am out of the hospital." I say.

I must have looked nervous because  Niall noticed.

"Are you okay? You seem a little flustered"

"I'm fine." I say faking a smile.

The boys almost caught me and Harry. I have to be more careful. Lou knows and how did he find out. I have to talk to Harry about that.

Kyle comes back into the room.

"Okay the doctor says you can go home in a couple hours, he just has to ask you some questions."

"That's good I hate being in here." I say.

"Well doesn't everyone" Lou says, making everyone laugh.

"Don't you guys have band stuff to do?" I ask.

"We were at rehearsal but when I got the call from your brother we left and came here. Ally we may not be together but we are still are your family. We care about you." Zayn says.

"yeah we will always be there for you, whenever you need us." Liam says.

"Thank you guys" I say with an actually smile.

"Since you sais you are here for her, could she stay with you tonight because I have plans and I can't cancel them. The doctor wants someone to be with her at all times for the next 24 hours." Kyle says.

"No problem" Harry says almost instantly. All the boys were caught of guard thinking that they would ask Zayn first. 

"Yeah of course she can, anything for Ally" Zayn says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Positive" He says but with what looks like a fake smile.

Well this will be interesting. I guess tonight I am telling Zayn about me and Harry. I wonder what he will think.

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