Chapter 21

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I dedicated this chapter to Jannat_Directioner because she has commented the most and I really love it!

Harry's POV

I'm in my dressing room getting ready for the concert tonight. I am really excited Ally is going to come. It will be her first time she is going to see One Direction since her accident.  I hear a knock at my door. I go over to open it.

"Hey Lou!" I say letting him in.

"So you seem really happy tonight, How come?" He says sitting down on the couch.

"I just think it will be a good show." I say hiding the fact me and Ally are together.

"You are hiding something. You are never like this before a show." Lou says.

"I am just in a  good mood, is that a problem?" I say.

"Oh okay....Oh are those flowers?" He says getting of the couch and walking over to the table where a bouquet of flowers for Ally are.

"Yeah" I say taking them out of his hand.

"Oh I know what it is, this is about a girl! She is coming tonight isn't she! Oh is she from the club, see I knew you didn't need Ally." He says patting me on the back.

Only if he knew that the girl is Ally.

"Yes its a girl but you can't meet her, not yet. I don't know how serious we are yet. I just want to be with her awhile before I introduce her to One Direction." I say when Management walks in.

"Boys Zayn won't come out of his dressing room. Can you try to get him out? We need you boys ready in 30 minutes." The management guy says and the both of us nod.

He walks away and Lou and I get up and walk to Zayn's dressing room.

"Hey Zayn open up" I say knocking on the door.

"Open the door or I will mess up your hair!" Lou yells.

About 30 seconds later the door opens. Zayn is in his sweatpants and a t-shirt and his hair is a mess.

"Bro what happened to you? Did you lose your mirror?" Lou says as we walk into the room.

"Are you okay?" I say as Zayn and I sit on the couch and Lou sits in a chair.

"Ally broke up with me....we are getting a divorce" He says as he begins to cry. I have never seen Zayn such a mess.

"What?" Lou says "She seemed to really love you again. What happened?"

I did this to Zayn. I took Ally from him.

"She said she wants to be with her brother and that she didn't want to lead me on. I just wish she love me. I had to chances and both times she broke my heart." he says still crying.

I just sit there, I have nothing to say. I feel so guilty.

"I am so sorry man, you know what lets get you cleaned up and we will go do the concert then all of us will go clubbing. It will get your mind off of Ally. It worked for Harry, Right?" Lou says looking at me.

"Yeah, it works." I say I can't go clubbing, I made plans with Ally.

"I guess I could try..." Zayn says still really upset.

"Get dressed and we will see you on stage, the fans will cheer you up!" Lou says and the both of us leave.

"Lou...I can't go to the club...I have a date.." I say

"Oh, but Zayn needs us. You have to cancel." he says and walks away and down the hall.

I don't want to cancel on Ally, it is our first date, but I feel so guilty I feel like I have to be there for Zayn. I have no clue on what to do.

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