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JENNIFER SURELY SPENT the rest of her night attempting to find her way back to Daniel. She asked Freddy where he lived and what apartment he'd be at, and once she'd gotten that answer, she made sure to write it down internally - and tell Susan to drop her off there.

At exactly 11 PM, her friends dropped her off at the South Seas apartment complex, Jenny got off - thanking them all before making her way into the vicinity.

It was different, there was little to no water in the pool, it was green, and looking around - it seemed empty, despite the fact that it was Halloween night.

Making her way up to apartment 20, Jennifer knocked and knocked, waiting until she glanced back down at her hands, thinking of everything Freddy told her.

"Sometimes he hangs around the maintenance guy. Why? I have no idea."

So naturally, she found herself making her way to the back, stopping at teal doors, and slowly eyeing the area before knocking. "Eh, open." An unfamiliar voice called out, and Jennifer cautiously opened the door, making her way to the screen door inside, staring inside.

"Ah." An old man glanced over, his expression changing quickly, seeing as he expected Mrs. Larusso. "Come back tomorrow and I help you.." he waved the girl off, looking away and mutters came from another voice inside.

"Mr. Miyagi, that stinks."

"Actually, I was looking for Daniel Larusso?" Jennifer asked, and it was quiet for a moment, Mr. Miyagi slowly looked over, then back to Daniel.

"He not feeling well, maybe another day."

As he spoke, protests came from this other voice. This weak voice. Daniel shook his head, now attempting to force himself up, only to be pushed back down by Mr. Miyagi, pressing the cloth back onto his forehead. "I'm fine, really." Daniel spoke, hoping to see Jennifer.

Mr. Miyagi gave a slow nod, getting up and opening the screen door. He forced a smile to this girl who nervously smiled back, and gestured for her to come in. "Come. He see you."

"Thank you." A soft voice from Jenny caused him to smile again, he gave a polite nod before looking to Daniel.

"Be back." And with that, he made his way out. The second he had left, Jennifer turned and her heart skipped a beat.

Daniel was in pain. His face was all bruised and cut up, and he held his ribcage as he sat down, sighing. He wished he was in a much better state to be seeing her, and in a better mood but as she walked over, taking a seat on the bed he was laid upon, she gasped.

"Oh my gosh." Were the first words she let out, her hand slowly made its way to Daniel's face, and he inched away, his cheeks turning red as he finally sat up, and against the wall. Jenny gulped, pulling her hand away and at the sight of that, he mentally cursed himself.

"Jenny - "

"They did this? I'll get them kicked out of Cobra Kai so fast," She rambled on, and as he listened to every word she said, Daniel shook his head, murmuring in disagreement.

"Please don't." He pleaded, and Jennifer had shut her mouth, watching him and the frown that laid upon his face. He winced every few seconds, and he looked miserable - almost as if he was embarrassed and oh, he was.

"I'm fine." He said this, his voice so hoarse he felt it when he spoke. He winced at the feeling of the bruise on his rib, and he sighed, now looking up to Jenny who sat there.

He awaited her to say anything about how stupid it was to pick a fight and then lose, but she didn't. He expected her to go on about how that was his third fight in Los Angeles and he hadn't won any, but she didn't.

She looked over, sighing whilst pinching the bridge of her nose.

Daniel sat there, miserably staring ahead. He wished their circumstances were different tonight, and even though they nearly were, they weren't. So he kept quiet, poking the side of his mouth with his tongue. He was embarrassed and most of all - annoyed.

"This is my fault."


Suddenly, he looked over. And his look of annoyance changed quickly into a softened look of confusion. He stared down Jenny who shot small glances to him. "I should've stayed home, I should've told them to back off. I should've resolved it there." She went on and on, her voice low, the disappointment in herself laced in her tone.

Daniel, once again, shook his head with every word she spoke. His eyes softened at the look of her calm breakdown, she internally cursed herself, shaking her head and rubbing her face.

"Stop it, Jenny." Daniel's voice was soft now, still scratchy, and he held the cloth against his forehead still, watching her closely.

"No." She shook her head, "Daniel, I let this happen to you. I mean, I could've helped right there but I didn't, and I'm so stupid for - "

"Stop." Daniel raised his voice a little, his hand that he used to hold his ribcage going and resting on her thigh. He gently left it there, and watched as she looked over, her eyes meeting his. He didn't quite know what to say, so he left it at that.

"You didn't have to do any of that." Jenny muttered, she watched him as she said this, and his head tilted, a small, small smile coming onto his face.

"Yeah, but I wanted to." And he meant it.

It was quiet after that, and Jenny didn't say much - not anything at all. She just smiled back at him and embraced him into a sudden hug. He was tense at first, but he slowly sunk in, sighing at the feeling of her arms wrapping around his neck. It'd be pretty hard to beat this.

A few seconds passed, and Daniel's smirk widened, his cheeks slightly pink as he spoke up. "Y'know.."

As he began his sentence, he felt a hum in response from Jenny who seemed to feel a lot better now, she still clung onto him, and he still had one of his hands around her waist, rubbing her back. "I heard some crazy rumor.." he began, pulling away once Jenny asked him to go on. "It's a stupid one, maybe," He shrugged.

"Just that, when people get hurt, a kiss on their biggest cut heals them pretty damn good." Suddenly, the room was quiet. Jenny's eyes widened and she did her best to contain herself, watching Daniel who awaited her answer.

"Well, what's - what's your biggest cut?" She asked, and he was quick to raise his hand - pointing it to the bandaid above his eyebrow. His hand was still around her waist, and Jennifer kept her arms around Daniel before she leaned up. Daniel tilted his head down, allowing Jennifer to kiss his forehead easier, and thankfully, that helped. She placed her lips right onto his temple, a soft, warm kiss coming from them.

Daniel was suddenly healed. Maybe he made the rumor up, but now - now it felt real.

She pulled away, and he smiled down at her, leaning forward to press his forehead against hers. Jennifer shut her eyes in content at the feeling, he was so close, she could feel his breath upon her face. They stared at eachother in awe, resting their foreheads on one another's, and Daniel slowly gave a toothy smile, Jennifer doing the same.

Though, her smile was shy. She looked flustered, and she felt it so much inside. Her stomach went in circles, and the hairs on her skin stood up.

She stared into his eyes that he had recently shut in content, just like she had. "Thanks for sticking up for me."

Daniel's smile only grew at her words. He kept his eyes shut, his hands tightening around her. "Who wouldn't?" If only he knew.

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲, 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐨 Where stories live. Discover now