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Nimit's POV:

It's been five years since I saw her last and I know it's all my fault but now that I have a chance to change things I will use it. I don't want to lose my best friend again, I want her to know the truth and I will win my best friend my cheesecake again.
In the span of five years I have realised that she was the only one who really knew she was the one who supported me in my worst , she was through thicks and thins but what did I do leave her just like that but this time I will not repeat the same mistake again.
"Let's do it, you can do it Nimit, she will forgive you
You were best friends and I'll do everything so she forgives me I want my best cheesecake back".
After giving myself a self motivating speech I wore my suit and left for the meeting. 

"Sir, should I increase Ac temperature??" My driver asked me 
"Sir you are sweating so should I increase the temperature??"
"No-no it's fine"

Oh god I am so nervous . I wasn't this nervous during my first board meeting.Calm down Nimit take a long breath what will people think looking at you in this condition where is confidence. Yes I am Nimit Mehra and what could possibly go worse.

When I reached the office for the meeting I got to know the meeting would be delayed because the boss lady is busy in another meeting. So, her assistant took us to another meeting room.
I know she will be really angry when she gets to know that I arranged this meeting in my father's name. But , I didn't have any other option because she would instantly reject this deal and it's a great business opportunity.

It's already 10:45 and she isn't here yet unlike her. One thing I hate the most is wasting time people should know the value of time but she can be a exception.

"I think we shouldn't go further with this deal because I can clearly see their boss doesn't know the value of time"
"I agree she is already 15 minutes late. I think it's just her hype in the business world."
"I don't think she is even good at her work"
"Mr. Chandra and Mr. Goenka I think you guys should use a hearing machine because as just said she is late because of some meeting and I don't think she is dancing in the meeting hall . So , guys should have some patience. I said to both of them in a very calm tone and glared hard at them.

After almost 20 minutes I heard the door opening noise and turned towards the door and their she was standing and shock was evident on her face and all the colours drained from her face but she quickly masked her emotions but I could see through her , her watery eyes that were because of me and I felt like a horrible human the person who supported me , helped me , cared about me is now suffering because of me.

We started the meeting and she didn't look at me nor greeted me and I felt a pang in my hurt. Throughout the meeting I was focused on her maybe she would look at me but she was totally focused on the presentation and after the meeting when everyone was leaving the room and she expected me to leave the room but I didn't then she started leaving the room and I said
"Won't you even say hi now huh am I a stranger cheesecake"
She looked at me with disappointment aur maybe with hate. I don't know but I never want her to hate me .

And when your best friend becomes stranger to you and starts to hate you it's the feeling that cannot be described. Because choosing friends is the only relation that you could choose by yourself no one force you it's your choice but when you fuck things up its your fault and that's what I did.

"What are you saying Mr.Mehra strangers were never something and it's Prisha, Prisha Singhal so you should call me by my name and it's a professional place so please don't try to make personal relations here" She said as if I didn't matter to her and walked out of the room. 

Maybe that's what you get when you break someone's precious thing and the most precious thing to her was our friendship.
"Huh! serves you to right Nimit Mehra" My own self mocked me and I walked out the office and left for my place.

Ahaan's POV:

"May I come in sir" I heard a knock on the door and replied 
"Sir everything it's final tomorrow is the final trial and then we are ready to launch and all the experts will be here by tomorrow" Rajat the manager of software development department said 
"Ok make sure everything perfect for tomorrow's event and then we will decide the launch date and what's the response from public about the previously launched trial"
Tomorrow is a very important day for me actually not only for me but for the whole team , company and everyone who is related to this project we are going to launch a new game in the market this is like a dream project for me we have been working on this since last three years and tomorrow is the final trial and we are ready to launch. I have started this company from scratch and watching it grow this big it's like a dream come true. We are one of the leading software companies in India and top 20 in the world and I feel so proud about it.
"Sir the response is great and on public feedback we made minor changes and tomorrow the final changes will be made"
"That's great just check one more time tomorrow's preparation and then you can also it's already late"
"Yes sir" Rajat said and left my cabin 

It's a tiring day for me too and I decided to wrap up all my work and leave. As I left the office my mom called me and said she is in Bangalore and wants to meet me.

I really can't understand my mom. She does everything suddenly and you can't guess her next move but it's pretty weird she came all the way to Bangalore without informing me and now wants to suddenly meet me.

I was finding a spot to park my car and suddenly my car bumped into another car and it wasn't my fault because the person who bumped his car into mine was taking back and I think he didn't bother to see the front rear view mirror.
I came out from the car to see the damage and honestly it was pretty bad and then I heard a voice 
"I am so so sorry I didn't see the mirror while backing the car and this happened I am really sorry it wasn't intentional and I will pay the damages also"
She was a girl and I must say she was very pretty. I couldn't take my eyes off but looking at her continuously and saying these things I might sound like a creep. 
Behave Ahaan behave my inner voice said and I calmed myself down and said 
"It's fine Miss you don't have to panick are you fine and the damage is minor so calm down" 
Everyone can see how much minor damage she has done to your favourite car right my inner voice mocked me 
"It's my fault that I didn't pay attention and now it has scratches and a big bump I am really sorry about"
" It's fine Miss you don't have to be this much sorry"
She had already said sorry many times and I said it's fine but still she looked so panicked it's just a car I can get it repaired and it's a bump.
"Actually I am in a hurry so this is my visiting card please please text on this number the repairing expenses otherwise I would feel so guilty about it and again I am really sorry" Saying this left she left in a hurry and I looked at the card so she is a lawyer huh!.

I parked my car and went inside the restaurant but I was continuously thinking about the girl and looked at the card from time to time.
What am I doing this so creepy oh god I said to myself and decided to get this out of mind.

I was trying to find mom but I suddenly saw someone I thought was familiar and I was correct.

"Hey! Bro what are you doing here??" I asked parth. He is the main developer of our present and he is great at his work and we both have a good bonding. We didn't meet much before because he was working in the Mumbai branch but for this project we both have worked hard and bonded over time .

He is a great guy and as much as this project is important to me it is to him as well.

"Nothing, I just came to meet my friend here but what are you doing here??"
"Ohk actually mom suddenly came to Bangalore and called me here"
"Oh-Ok say hi to aunty from my side too"
"You also come meet mom"
"I would love but I have some work and I am already late and tomorrow is such a big day and I have to be prepared  for tomorrow"
"Ok bye see you tomorrow"

After bidding goodbye to parth I spotted mom sitting and went to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02 ⏰

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