11. the 30th

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a/n: today I listened to this song for the first time and I loved it omg how did I not know it before lol

hopefully this chapter answers some questions!

also it's kinda sad but yea

anyways hope u enjoy! <3
Gwen woke up with the feeling that today was going to be a good day.

She wasn't exactly wrong, the beginning of the day was nice, at least.

Today two of her tests were graded, and she got an A+ in both of them, which was a relief since lately she had only gotten an A- in all of her tests, which was bad, in her opinion.

Don't judge her, a lot of people like her exist.

Gwen walked in her History class and sat down.

Rumors said the substitute teacher was coming today.

If it was true, the girl hoped the test would be suspended.

Not too long after, a young woman walked in.

She looked like she was in her twenties, and she didn't look like she wanted to be there.

"Hey" she said not really loudly.

Since everyone was talking, and no one was paying attention, Gwen was the only one that heard her.

"Hey!'" she shouted a little louder, but no one paid attention.

"HEY!!!" she practically screamed at the top of her lungs, scaring everyone.

Everyone turned to her and stopped talking.

"So, I'm Miss Rodgers and I will be teaching you History from now on, since your other teacher was too old and he retired. Anyways, there's only one person who wants to be here less than you, and that's me. I'm only here for the money. So, as long as you're not disrespectful and shut up, I don't care what you do. Am I clear?"

No one replied.

"Am I clear?!" she shouted loudly.

Everyone nodded and said yes at the same time.

"Good. Now I'm going to open my laptop and pretend like I'm doing something while you do whatever you want" she said before opening her laptop and doing something.

"When is the test?" a student said, making everyone groan, including Gwen.

Did she really have to remind the teacher that they still had to do a test?

The young woman looked up, furrowing her brows before speaking.

"First of all, I said I don't care what you do. That means no tests because I'm too lazy. And second of all, don't talk to me unless it's important"

Miss Rodgers continued doing her things on her laptop.

"But tests are very important!" the student said, making everyone groan again.

The teacher just ignored her.

Good, there weren't going to be any History tests and they weren't going to do anything.

Class finished and everyone ran to the cafeteria, ready for recess.

Even though Sasha's friends seemed nice, today Gwen wanted some time alone, so she walked towards the library.

They had been spending time together for the past week.

Gwen hoped that the annoying girl from two weeks ago wasn't in the library.

She walked in quietly and sat down after picking up the book she started reading last time.

It was very quiet.

Maybe today was her lucky day, and that girl actually didn't come.

After a while, she checked her phone and saw that recess was going to finish in five minutes.

When did the time go by so quickly?

She closed the book and got up.

She walked out of the library and wandered around the corridors, ready to go to her next class.

Just then, she saw someone behind the corner, right in front of her class.

It was her math teacher, talking on the phone.

She was the kind of teacher that talked a lot, which was why it was best to avoid her unless you want to be stuck with her forever.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The teacher had already seen her.

The only option Gwen had now, was to go to the toilets, since they were next to her.

She quickly walked in, avoiding to have a conversation with her teacher.

She looked at herself in the mirror.

She didn't look very good, her undereye bags were darker than before.

Suddenly, she heard sniffing.

She got closer to the stalls, to hear that someone was crying.

"Hello?" she knocked on the stall where the crying was coming from.

Gwen could hear how the girl that was inside quickly took a paper and blew her nose, and then wiped her tears.

"Hello?" Gwen asked again, knocking on the stall again.

She decided to open it, revealing Sasha, sitting on the floor, who looked devastated.

She was crying.

"Oh my gosh, Sasha, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I was just leaving..." she said getting up.

"No. Sash, there is something very wrong, and I want to know what it is. Lately you have been really weird. I can't keep seeing you sad every day, you have to tell me what's happening"

"It's Brooke, okay!" she suddenly shouted, a tear falling through her cheek.

Gwen kept looking at her cousin, confused.

"What about her?"

"She's dead, Gwen! My best friend is dead! She killed herself just before I went on vacation to visit her!" tears kept falling from her eyes. "I went to visit her, but she was already dead! I had to go to her funeral, and I didn't use my phone because I needed a break from everything"

Gwen did not expect that.

She looked at her cousin for a while, until she decided to hug her tightly.

She definitely needed that.

No one deserves to lose their best friend.

Sasha hugged her back as Gwen felt some tears running through her cousin's cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked as they broke apart.

"I didn't want anyone to worry"

"I'm so sorry, Sash. I just know she's in a better place"

"She is, but I can't imagine a life without her. I just don't know why she would kill herself. She had an amazing life. She always looked very happy"

"That's the thing. You never know what someone is going through. You never know when someone is going to kill themselves"

"Yeah, but I wish she hadn't" Sasha said as more tears came out of her eyes.

"I know" Gwen replied as she hugged her again.

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