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Chapter 51 Tong Shiyu plans to accompany Ma Siqing back to Danjiang to check the situation

"On my ex-husband's birthday, I was supposed to work the night shift, and my mother-in-law got a method from Wu Xiangu that could make my ex-husband like me and have a baby with me."

"Then my mother-in-law also called my adoptive mother's family to come, making it mysterious."

"That night, a large group of us heard and saw my ex-husband and his sweetheart. "After that, I filed for divorce and got a lot of benefits." "What's outrageous is that my adopted daughter used this incident to ask my ex-husband's family for money, a house, and a job with high salary and good benefits." "Later, my ex-husband's family went to inquire and found out that it was the adoptive mother's family who colluded with me to frame their son and let their son They made a fool of themselves and lost a lot of money. "

"Afterwards, the second son of the Lin family disappeared, and the third son was drowned in the Danjiang River."

"The murderer was found, but he had already fled, and no one knew where he went."

"I, this is not the first time I have been killed."

"Once before, my ex-mother-in-law found a beggar to hide in my room, but I forgot to lock the door. , I took a leave from night school and locked the door, just locking them in the room. "

"They slept together, and the people around my house saw it."

"My ex-husband's family hated me even more, and that's what you saw this morning."

"Brother, do you think they wanted to kill me?"

Ma Siqing asked this deliberately, just to arouse Tong Shiyu's desire to protect her.

In the previous life, as long as Ma Siqing had a headache, Tong Shiyu would be very anxious.

"Sister, you can't go back to Danjiang. Stay at my house first. I'll go to Danjiang to get information for you. I'll make plans when I come back."

He heard the aunts and uncles talking about the mother of the deputy director of the Danjiang County Revolutionary Committee sleeping in the same bed with a beggar yesterday at the village head, and thought it was a rumor.

I didn't expect it to be true!

They originally wanted to use this conspiracy to frame his savior, but fortunately this villain's behavior did not succeed.

"Brother, can you help me go out and see if the gangsters are still here?"

Tong Shiyu followed his words and rode Ma Siqing's 28-bar out of the door to wander around.

Tong Shiyu's elder brother saw him and said: "Shiyu, where are you going?"

"Brother, I'm wandering around in the village." Tong Shiyu's voice faded away.

Tong Dabao always felt that something was wrong with his brother, but he didn't know what was wrong.

He returned to the house and was stunned for a while:

"Where did Shiyu get the brand new 28-inch bicycle? Did he buy a car? Why didn't he discuss such a big thing with us? He was spending money recklessly again. I'll scold him when I come back and tell him to put all his spare money with me."

Tong Shiyu walked around the village twice, but didn't find any trace of the gangsters, so he went home.

"Sister, those people didn't come into the village. Did they go back to report the news?"

"Brother, you can just call me Siqing from now on. My name is - Ma Siqing."

"Okay, Siqing."

Tong Shiyu put down the bicycle and scooped a bucket of water to drink.

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