Chapter 15

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Manami wasn't kidding when she said I'd hate training. Everyone helped greet She-Hulk and Dominatrix by evoking as many emotions as possible from me. I was even denied food. It was pure anguish. Manami was tougher than she looked, and unlike the other guys, she fought back. I complained that I wanted Kian, but she forbade it. I wasn't sure if I could endure this form of torture.

"Kian, I need you." He did not reply, and Manami hit me with a baton behind my thigh.

"Ow! What was that for?" I cried out, rubbing my thigh.

"Did you contact him?" It was pointless even to lie since werewolves could smell a lie, too.

"Yes, but he didn't answer. Is he okay?" I worried that something may have been wrong.

"He is forbidden contact with you until –"

Rage possessed me, having heard that his silence had been ordered from her. I suddenly went crazy girlfriend on her ass and pulled her down by her ponytail. At that moment, there were no thoughts other than getting rid of the obstacle between Kian and me. I wouldn't categorize that as a proud moment.

"Catfight!" James yelled.

"It's better now that Manami is here," Liam chimed in.

"My money's on Manami," called out Scott.

"My money's on Cat," said James.

Manami matched me blow for blow. But when I smelled and saw the blood trickle from her nose, I froze. Of course, since the blood mesmerized me, I didn't notice the roundhouse kick I got to the face. I fell back, and the world went dark around me.

My eyes painfully fluttered open moments later. It took a few seconds to focus on my surroundings.

"Welcome back, dear friend," Manami looked down at me on the floor and smiled.

"You fight dirty." I squinted up at her. My sweet, mild-mannered friend was a vicious killer and torturer.

"We must all take advantage when in battle, my friend." I tried moving, but it hurt too much.

"You'll heal faster when you feed," Liam said. Both James and Liam knelt next to me. I looked from one to the other and then at Manami.

"You may feed now." She gave me a nod, finally allowing me to have some sustenance. I was starving, and when I looked at Liam, I knew I had to make it up to him. I took his wrist with only a slight hesitation before I sank my fangs in.

"Careful with her happy thoughts," James warned, but I was determined to make things right between us. My happy thoughts were about how great it was to be around real friends. When I pulled away from Liam's wrist, he smiled at me. He stood and bowed formally.

"Thank you, Cat. You are a dear friend to us as well." I felt the sting of tears behind my eyes. I managed to stand up and was amazed at how quickly I healed. Yay for alien-vampire powers!

We were making idle chit-chat when Kian strolled into the room, and my mouth watered. If I could breathe, I probably would have been panting. It was all a Kian side effect, of course. He wore black spandex workout shorts and a tight black short-sleeve workout shirt that accentuated every dip of muscle on his chest and abs. I was very close to drooling. Don't judge me. My mouth must have been hanging open because Manami nudged me out of my Kian-induced stupor. I gathered my thoughts quickly and then frowned.

"What is he doing here?" I asked. Trust me, I was delighted to see him, but I saw how he dressed. I had a feeling training was not over.

I automatically started walking to him, but Manami got in front of me with the baton in hand.

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