Chapter 13

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I noticed a snowball effect happening here and needed to stop it. The problem, however, was that I didn't know how, and deep down inside, I didn't want it to stop. The main reason was that I loved Kian and didn't mind how quickly things were moving between us. But the part of my brain that worked, most of the time, thought that I needed to get back to work and live a normal life. Well, we're past the point of normal here, but you know what I mean.

After returning from my mom's visit, Kian and I snuggled up on the loveseat to watch some news. Kian was watching the news, and I was thinking – or at least trying. It was challenging to do while sitting on Kian's lap. My thoughts were wandering, yet again, especially since he was lightly running his fingers along my thigh.


"Hm?" he replied, keeping his eyes on the TV. Yup, that was enough to kill my wandering thoughts.

"Nothing," I said, getting off the couch and storming into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me.

"A stòr, are you angry with me?"

"No." Yes, but I wasn't entirely mad at him, so it wasn't a lie. Maybe saying goodbye to Lee Ann had affected me more than I had believed. I sighed and decided to find something to scrape the layers of makeup off my face. I hoped that giving myself a chore would distract me from feeling so much at once. A basket was sitting on the bathroom counter when I walked in. It contained an assortment of makeup and accessories, such as tweezers, hair products, and makeup remover. Yay!

I washed my face about three times to make sure every bit of makeup was gone. As I lifted my face, a cold sweat washed over me. Oh no. As I looked at my face in the mirror, my eyes changed from their normal light brown into a crystal amber color, which I thought was nice, but I realized soon after that a vision was coming. I had only one thought before my sight blurred.


I was watching the chaos around me through my very own eyes. There was blood everywhere I looked. There were bodies on the ground, some alive, some not. I saw the glint of a blade as I turned to the sound of my name. I stood there, frozen in time, as I watched as the sword pierced Kian's chest. As my vision cleared, my eyes returned to normal in the mirror's reflection, and I collapsed into Kian's arms. The vision was so intense that it zapped my energy.

"Did you have a vision, a stòr?" he asked as he helped me sit on the bed. I nodded, afraid to speak. I closed my mind's door, locked it, and shut the blinds to the room that held my thoughts. I didn't want him to know. Hell, I wish I hadn't seen it.

"Do you hurt, my love?"


"Your face, it looks like you're in pain."


I must have been grimacing from concentrating so much, trying to keep him out of my head. Of course, he soon caught on.

"Ah, you are trying to keep me out." I nodded.

He sat beside me and took my hand. I swear, the man always had to touch me, which I didn't mind. But it always made me lose my train of thought and sometimes common sense.

"A stòr," he said softly, smoothing my brow as always. And with just that one word, I knew I was totally gonna open that door. My Kian defenses were weakening with every passing second. Damn him and his sexiness. But it wasn't just that he was sexy. There was no one as patient and as kind as he was.

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