Right person wrong time

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  Two teenagers in love with life, they pass by the same place every day, although they are attracted to each other, they only cross glances, morning, noon and night, they always see each other in the same park, but at first there are no words, until one day the boy took courage and approached her.

She got nervous when she saw him walking towards her, they talked for a long time until they both had to go back home, neither of them thought about falling in love, they were only 17 years old after all, they were teenagers who know "nothing" about love, right?

They met every day at the same time so they could see each other and talk for hours, they fell in love with each other blindly, but neither of them said it, they were left with the feeling in their hearts and the words in their mouths, after all their meetings, the flirtations, the nervous smiles, the long hugs and the little kisses on the cheek, they would remain a secret between them, they didn't know if it would last forever.

After a year they both left for college to different places, it was not easy for either of them to say goodbye, the last embrace lasted longer than they normally did, neither wanted to leave, the tears fell like a flood, like the leaves fall in autumn, like snow in winter, that farewell tore their hearts and souls.


Years passed, they were no longer the same children as before, now they were young people excited about their future, ambitious with their goals to achieve, they were destined to prosper, to surpass themselves.

They only came to visit their families, he was crossing the park when he saw a woman with dyed black hair, although her features had not changed at all, he recognized the girl from his past, the girl he had fallen in love with, and he approached her again, he greeted her and she smiled, returning to him brought back the most beautiful memories of his past, and as it used to be customary in his adolescence, they stayed chatting for a while, They talked about their careers, their lives and why they had come to the city, after all, it had been 5 years since the last time they had seen each other, and their lives were completely different, and so it was again all summer, they met again in the same park, to see each other again, although they knew that eventually they would return to the life they were already building for themselves.

They fell in love again, they fell back into the old trick of unwanted love, cupid had struck again, and they were not reluctant to do so.

After two months of vacation, they said goodbye as lovers in love usually do, although they knew it would make it even worse, because it would create an unbreakable bond between them.

They left, they did not look back and continued with their lives, even if it would break their hearts again, and so it was, for the second time they hurt themselves by falling in love and leaving, it was not easy to leave, but it is more difficult to stay when you know you have a life to continue, there is always something that pushes them to opposite sides, even if they want to stay, something separates them, although they were not teenagers anymore, they were only 22 years old, they have their whole life ahead, maybe there is still a chance to be together later, you never know? maybe, just maybe, it's not the right time yet, you just have to wait.


At 27 years old, the now adults return to where their home once was, the park once again witnesses their reunion, both have a divorce on their record, his two years ago, hers 6 months ago, neither have children, the difference this time, is that they agreed to see each other on the same dates in five years, this was their agreement at 22, and they both made good on the deal, picked up their story where they left off, and got back to their old habits again, even the old habit of splitting their life with each other, they bared their soul and their heart, this time that was the difference, if before they were already connected with that they made it permanent, they let passion consume them, now they were two humans helpless before love, but it is always the same, they arrive, they relive their love, they cry and leave, or that was before this time it would not be like that, this time something would change, this time, only she said goodbye.


So many years have passed, and he never left, hoping to see her again, but it did not happen, year after year he waited, he grew old loving that woman who did not seem to want to return, four decades had already passed, and he was still waiting for her without ceasing, until one day she came back, and passed by the same park as always, but something that he did not expect happened, this time she does not go alone, she is accompanied by a man, who was holding her hand, he brings her closer to him and kisses her, and all this happens in front of his own eyes, his eyes become waterfalls, and tears fall to see that the eternal love of his life, is with someone else, and he falls into a deep depression that he let himself die right there, since the life he had imagined with her, with that beautiful woman, now belonged to another man.

When she learns of his death, she is deeply saddened, the city bids him farewell with a great commemoration, and a friend close to him when he sees her, comes to her, and gives her a letter, when she reads it she loses her sanity, and she stays in the city this time, sad for the departure of her great love, and abandoning her husband, hoping that someday, her lover returns for her, day and night, for 15 years she waits for him, until one day he returns, and now they leave together, never to be separated again.

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