Chapter 4

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Areum, who had been awake and scheming in her room, went to see taehyung locked up in that room. She wanted to see taehyung's miserable state.

Areum entered the room where Taehyung had been locked up, expecting to find him still trapped and miserable. Instead, she was met with a surprising sight: the room was empty. Her eyes widened, and a mixture of anger and disbelief washed over her.

Taehyung had managed to sneak out without being detected. Areum cursed under her breath, her plans to cause further torment for Taehyung now failed.

She clenched her fists, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a new plan. She couldn't let Taehyung escape her grasp. She needed to find a way to assert her control and make him suffer.

Areum, driven by her twisted intentions, approached Taehyung's room with an ulterior motive. Her heart was filled with malice, and she was determined to make him suffer.

She walked closer to the room, her steps stealthy and calculated. It was late, and most of the house was asleep. She knew Taehyung would be vulnerable and unsuspecting.

Finally, she reached where Taehyung's room. In the dim light, she saw his unsuspecting figure- sleeping, not so relaxed and unaware of her presence. Areum's lips curled into a sinister smile, and she approached him silently.

Without warning, Areum lunged at Taehyung, grabbing his neck with a ferocity that surprised even her. She wasn't just trying to scare him this time; she wanted to inflict pain.

Taehyung opened his eyes, caught off guard by the sudden attack, struggled to free himself from her grip. He gasped, his hands instinctively reaching up to pry her fingers off his neck.

Areum, consumed by a twisted sense of satisfaction, tightened her grip. "You thought you could escape?" she hissed, her voice laced with a cruel pleasure. "I won't let you get away that easily."

Taehyung's eyes widened in a mix of pain and shock as he felt her grip tightening around his neck. He tried to speak, to protest, but the pressure on his airway made it difficult to form coherent words.

Areum leaned in closer, her face mere inches from his, as she continued to apply pressure. "You're not going to get away with this, Taehyung," she whispered, her eyes filled with a chilling determination. "You'll suffer."

Taehyung, with his airway partially restricted, fought desperately to break free from Areum's iron grip. His hands clawed at her fingers, trying to loosen her grip, but her strength seemed intensified by her malicious intent.

As the struggle continued, Taehyung's vision became hazy, and his mind was clouded by a mixture of fear and confusion. He gasped for air, his body thrashing in a desperate attempt to break free from the tightening grip on his neck.

Taehyung's face turned progressively redder, the lack of oxygen increasing the panic and desperation in his eyes. His attempts to speak became increasingly desperate and labored, his voice hoarse and strained.

Areum, caught in the thrill of her power over him, didn't loosen her grip. Instead, she pressed even harder, watching with a chilling satisfaction as

Areum's twisted enjoyment grew as she observed Taehyung's state. She relished the control she had over him, the power to make him suffer and

Taehyung's struggles were beginning to weaken, his body growing weaker from the lack of oxygen. He was becoming light-headed, his vision starting to blur. He tried to break free from her grasp once more, he pushed Areum with all his strength leading her fall down- she hit her head on the side table near the bed. The cut was small but enough to prove the point she was going to make. She hissed loudly, laying on the bed she shouted. Taehyung's eyes widened seeing the blood oozing from her wound, forgetting his own condition he still took a look at her.

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