I wish i knew better
That i don't need to please, kneel and beg for caring and a minute to meet
I wish i knew that saying yes all the time what got me dizzy and sick
And that the more i say yes the more my heart bleeds and my mind craft and knead the sad story of me
I wish i knew sonner
That nothing is changless and constant for a lifetime
And that i can let go of gravity sometimes and float into the sky
Explore different universes, stars and suns
Who knows i might even get to change my lenses
Replace them with sparkly stars that see light even at dark
Replace my brain with the moon, that find rest even when our dark side is larger than our light
Put the sun in my heart and let my cold days be warm
Where is the other side of life i wonder?
In laughter despite the pain
In forgiving despite the deeper cuts in the heart
In letting go despite the cries and the screams of the heart
In helping a stranger in need without wating a return
Or in listening to a loved one sharing same sad stories in their heart keep rings
In a picture that holds memories and serve as a reminder that we were happy once and we can always be happy again.
It is up to you to tap into the reality you want, don't let the mind craft excuses tha you can't rather always think what if i can, and go for it ✨
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Thank you so much dearest friends 🍀
Half Girl Poems
PoetryHalf Girl describes that vulnerable side of me! I believe that, It is through darkness that we shine, this version of the book highlight a dark side "the vulnerable" one, when i had zero confidence and only leaned on others to get validation, when...