"god give me strength "

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Yn's house :
**Scene: Worry in the Home**

The clock struck 10:00 p.m., casting long shadows across the living room of the Choi household. Mr. Choi paced back and forth, his face etched with worry. His younger daughter, Hyrin, sat on the couch, her eyes wide with anxiety, clutching her favorite stuffed toy for comfort.

"Daddy, where is Yn? She should have been home by now," Hyrin whispered, her voice trembling.

Mr. Choi stopped pacing and knelt beside Hyrin, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "I don't know, sweetheart. But she'll be back .I promise."

Mrs. Choi sat across the room, her arms crossed and a look of disdain on her face. "Maybe she found somewhere better to be. You know how she is," she said with a sneer.

Mr. Choi's eyes flashed with anger. " sang-hee, that's enough. She's still my daughter, and I won't have you speaking about her like that."

Mrs. Choi stood up, her expression hardening. "Your daughter? She's nothing but trouble. Always has been. Maybe if you didn't spoil her so much, she'd have some sense of responsibility."

"Spoil her ?, my daughter works tirelessly day and night and doesn't complain only for you to call her spoiled? That's some nerve. " Mr Choi had enough .

Mr. Choi took a deep breath, trying to control his temper. He continued, "You have no right to talk about Yn like that. She's doing her best, and she's family."

Mrs. Choi scoffed. "Family? She's just a burden. I don't know why you keep defending her. Maybe she ran off with some guy. It's not like it's beneath her."

Hyrin's eyes filled with tears as she looked between her father and mother. "Daddy, please. Don't fight."

Mr. Choi turned back to Hyrin, his expression softening. "It's going to be okay, Hyrin. Stay here with your mom. I'm going to find Yn."

He grabbed his coat and keys, his jaw set in determination. As he headed for the door, Mrs. Choi called out one last time.
"You're wasting your time, Dong-hyeon. She's not worth it. She's probably shacking up with someone right now." That ugly smirk she had on her face boiled Mr Choi's blood, but he had to remain calm in front of Hyrin and find Yn .

Mr. Choi didn't reply. He stepped out into the night, the cool air hitting his face as he made his way to the company where Yn had her interview. His heart pounded in his chest as he drove, his mind racing with worry and fear for his daughter's safety.

"Please be alright my child , i can't lose you, you're the last memory i have of your mother" he said to himself silently praying for his daughter's safety, as much as he tried to deny the tears , they just came pouring out .
"God give me strength."

**Scene: At the Company**

Mr. Choi pulled up to the company building, the lights inside still on despite the late hour. He hurried to the entrance, banging on the glass door. A security guard approached, his expression wary.

"Can I help you, sir?" the guard asked.

"My daughter had an interview here today," Mr. Choi said, his voice urgent. "Her name is Yn Choi. She hasn't come home, and I'm really worried."

The guard nodded, picking up a phone to make a call. "If it's alright, can this man enter the reception he has a few questions," the guard asked the receptionist . After a few minutes, he let him in , Mr Choi ran towards the white desk

"Excuse me ma'am, my Daughter Choi Yn came today for an interview, at what time did she leave or did you see her leave ?" Mr Choi asked frantically

"Sir , sir, relax . Let me check. " The lady tried giving him an optimistic smile as she typed in her computer .
"What was the name again, sir ?I'm sorry."
"Choi Yn," he quickly responded, his breathing became heavier by the minute.

At that very moment

the CEO, Kim Taehyung, emerged from the elevator, making his way towards the receptionist. "What is going on, Ginna?"  He asked
"Sir, this man is looking for his daughter, Choi Yn." Ginna spoke, her eyes lifted from the computer screen . Mr Choi turned around and saw Taehyung

"Oh my god son , its...its you " Mr Choi's eye's became tearful yet again as he hugged him tightly, that gesture took taehyung aback , he didn't expect for Yn's dad to remember him so quickly
" Mr.Choi , it's good to meet you after so long . What is it that worries you?" taehyung said as soon as he left him

"Taehyung Yn hasn't come home yet , she's not even picking up her phone, and messages aren't going through."

"What do you mean , i dropped her home after the interview. I stayed back until she stepped foot into her house. "

Mr. Choi's face paled. "She never came home. Are you sure it was my house?"

"Positive," Taehyung replied, a frown deepening on his face. "I waited until she went inside."

Mr. Choi's legs buckled as he dropped to the ground, breaking out in a cold sweat. "She hasn't been home since this morning. Where could she be?. She's not the type of girl to make reckless decisions or even be out this late . She always tells me everything, "

Taehyung helped him up, his concern evident. "Let's figure this out together. I'll help you find her. Do not worry , im with you. " Taehyung was dying inside , he just prayed for Yn's safety . He had to do whatever it took to find her perfectly alright.

**Scene: Back at the Choi Household**

The door slammed open as Mr. Choi and Taehyung rushed inside. Mrs. Choi looked up from her seat, her expression unchanged.

"Back so soon? Didn't find her with her boyfriend?" Mrs. Choi mocked.

Mr. Choi's face twisted in fury. "Enough, sang-hee. Yn is missing, and all you can do is slander her. What type of person are you?" He looked disgusted with her

Hani, Yn's stepsister, chimed in with venom. "Good riddance. She's nothing but a slut and a bad influence. Probably ran off to avoid responsibility."

Mr. Choi's patience snapped. "Hani, shut your mouth! Yn is the only one supporting this family. You wouldn't have half the things you do without her hard work."

He turned to Hyrin, his voice gentler. "Hyrin, go upstairs and stay by the telephone. If Yn calls, I want you to hear her first."

Hyrin nodded, tears streaming down her face as she ran upstairs.

Mr. Choi looked back at Taehyung, desperation in his eyes. "We have to find her. She wouldn't just disappear."

Taehyung nodded. "We'll find her , I've informed the police , they are out looking for her too"

"Who is this boy , one of Yn's many boyfriends i assume?" The old woman spat yet again , with an ugly grin . Ha-ni laughed

" You goddamn illiterate woman , Shut your damned mouth or else im gonna throw you both out from my house . Then maybe one of your slutty tactics will get you a man"

"Miss refrain from slandering Yn's character, she is a woman ....a pure one "
Taehyung couldn't help but say something to this evil witch like lady , god if it were a man he would've beaten her to death.

" Anyway , Mr Choi I'll head out and meet up with the police , I suggest you call her friends and try to find out when they last had a conversation and what was it about , that could lead to her disappearance "
Taehyung said shaking Mr Choi's hand , as the two evil women went away to a room , shutting the door ever so harshly .

" and please i know she has a boyfriend, if you have his number that would be amazing , maybe they are out somewhere like young couples are . Be optimistic maybe she forgot to inform you"
" Yn might have it in her number diary . I hope that is the case son " he patted taehyung's shoulder .
" stay strong sir " that's what he said before leaving the old folk with unexplainable stress and misery alone .
He ran upstairs as quickly as he could with those retired knees and opened up her book
" Jeon Jungkook "
THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS FOR A HUNDRED VOTES AND OBER 600 READS . i can't explain how grateful i am . Thank you baldies I adore each one of you .
Please comment if there's any mistakes or any suggestions you want to give . I love you. i hope you stick around till the end 💖😘😘

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