shit a stalker

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The bus stopped , yn opened her eyes and a yawned passed through her , she covered her mouth rubbed her eyes a bit a got of at her stop .
She walked towards her university to attend the first lecture
She entered her class and sat at her usual seat her friend Yuna came and sat beside her putting her bag beside her .
Yuna: how are you yn ? She said taking out her pen and notes
Yn: i am good , you good ? , why are you suddenly asking me how i am . Yn replied confused
Yuna : Uh never knew i couldnt ask my own friend how she is ?
Yn : no its not like that , its just that you always start your conversations with other discussions or start the conversations we left of , thats why . Yn quickly responded back she didn't want to offend yuna
Yuna : tch yn i told yoy so many times you dont need to get so worked up chill i was just joking
Yn glanced at her and soflty hit yunas arm playfully
Yuna : Yah that doesn't mean you can hit me . She said returning that soft playfull  slap back on yns arm
Yn chuckled quietly, taking notes
Yuna wrote notes as well . Both of them were amazing academically . They only difference was that yuna was very rich where as yn had to work to keep her family from dying of hunger .
Time skip
It was the Art class the last lesson yn gad to attend . The teacher took them out towards the field . They had to paint the nature or things that makes nature ....well Nature 🤷‍♀️
Yn put her canvas on its stand , she looked around to figure out what to paint until her eyes were stuck on a specific person .........
Yn stared at him as he stared back at her , yn looked at him confused as he started completing his drawing . Yn stopped looking at him and turned towards her canvas , trying to push out the urge to ask him why he was looking at her the way he was , her impulsive thoughts got the best of her as she turned towards him and marched through the field to walk up to him .She stood beside him just as she was about to tap his shoulder she saw the drawing he was making .....IT WAS OF HER .....HE WAS DRAWING HER ...."AN UNKNOWN MAN TOOK YOU AS A SUBJECT AND DREW YOU " This thought came to her mind , she disliked that he didn't ask her for permission instead he painted and drew a picture of her like she was a public piece of subject waiting to be painted by someone she doesn't even know ....but she she has to accept the fact that he drew her beautifully, a little bit too beautifully but that fact doesn't mean that she can't argue a bit to this man
Yn : Excuse me ! She tapped his shoulder , he turned around , yns jaw dropped she needed a moment to pick it up and place it back to its original place , THE MANS AN ANGEL .
She couldn't clearly see his handsome face as she forgot her glasses from afar but looking at him so closely he was nothing more than a piece of art himself
Yn stared at her , she had lost all the words and complaints , she was lost in those beautiful big doe eyes the way he looked at her .....the way she could see her reflection in his eyes was the most beautiful thing she had ever experienced, she looked beautiful in his eyes
After a few seconds of gazing at eachother the man took it upon himself to start a conversation
Unknown handsome man: Hi my name is Jungkook , Jeon jungkook , it is really nice to meet you , after months of trying
Yn : what do you mean by trying for months
Jungkook : what i mean by that is i have been trying to muster up some courage to come face to face infront of you
Yn : why did you want to come "face to face " infront of me ? How do you even know me ?
Jungkook : uhh its a bit embarrassing but i have been following you for a while .. he said rubbing his nape
Yns eyes widen she was taken aback , never even in her dreams she imagined such a man to follow her around
Yn : thats not embarrassing but weird 😐
Jungkook : yeah i guess so but i just wanted you know, to just talk to you but everytime i saw you i just couldn't
Yn : so you were intimidated by me ? Yn said raising her eyebrows
Jungkook looked away shyly with a hint of embarrassment " yeah maybe " he said soflty
Yn just looked at him , he didn't say anything else so she just moved backwards getting away from him , she turned around to walk away but he swiftly grabbed her arm making her stumble right infront of him ,
Yn : what is the matter with you mr ? First you stalk me then you draw me and now you try to grab me ?
Jungkook : i ..i am sorry i shouldn't have touched you without your permission , and i am sorry for following you around and lastly i am sorry for drawing you with asking for permission . He said guilt visibly present on his face
Yn: its alright , just dont do this stuff again , and dont follow me around anymore please.  Yn said moving a but away from him as the closeness with him made her feel something inside her
Yn: how long did it take you to finish this painting ? Yn said in order to switch the topic
Jungkook : 27 days 4 hours and 13 seconds ....he said looking straight into her eyes
His soft voice pierced through her heart she looked at him and tilted her head trying to understand him , to read those beautiful eyes ," have we met before" was the only question she had in her mind at that time
Yn : ohh , its nice , you drew me beautifully , made me even more pretty . She said as she tried to ease the tension around her as she awkwardly giggled a bit
Jungkook : no i dont think i did justice to your beauty
Yn face turned pink she didn't have such an experience like this before, he was obviously flirting with her
Yn : uh haha funny , I'll get going now , dont draw someone without permission mr jungkook
Jungkook : may i know your name miss ?
Yn: following me around and not evening knowing my name is a bit lame , isnt it ?
She said chuckling lightly
Yn: its yn , choi yn its nice to meet you , I'll get going i am getting late . She passed him a small smile , he returned a bigger smile back showcasing his beautiful teeth and his beauty spot right under his lips
Jungkook : Beautiful name for a beautiful lady , he said a bit louder as you were walking away from him
You laughed a bit at his foolishness a small smile appeared on your face as you thought of him .
You shook your head trying to think straight .
" such a creepy yet nice man " she voiced it out enough for her friend yuna to hear as she was walking towards yn
Yuna : huh what you talking about girl? , bursting yns bubble
Yn: uh nothing , she said suppressing her laugh

I hope you liked this chapter , ik ik its a bit weird talking to a perso. Who addmited he was stalking you but this is a ff on Wattpad , lmao my sense is also lost when i am on this app so forgive me 😭😭😭😭i hope y'all like this shit or else i am gonna hibernate and die 🤷‍♀️😩bye cuties
" why is it so hot in here , or is it just you ? " 😭💝love you

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