"it'll be your head"

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Jungkook hung up the phone with a sigh of irritation. He wasn't in the mood for this. Yn was nothing more than a pawn, a means to an end, and now she was causing more trouble.He got up quickly, leaving Mina in bed. "Where are you going, babe?" Her voice echoed through the room."You have no business in that. " he rolled his eyes and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get into clean clothes . Mina took this opportunity and took out a thick wad of cash from jungkooks' work coat. She knew he didn't care about it.

Moments later, he went outside , his expression cold and unfeeling.
He walked down the huge stairs, finding Jimin walking back and forth in the hall, his face a mask of indifference.
"Where is she?" Jungkook's voice was sharp.
"In her room," Jimin replied, stepping aside to let Jungkook pass.Jungkook strode into the room, his eyes locking onto Yn's frail form lying on the bed Nancy stood nearby, her face pale with worry.

"Move," Jungkook ordered Nancy, who quickly stepped back.He knelt beside Yn, his eyes scanning her injuries with a clinical detachment. "Pathetic," he muttered. "Can't even take a simple beating."He turned to Jimin. "Get the doctor here. Now."Jimin nodded and stepped out to make the call.
Jungkook's gaze returned to Yn, and he leaned in close, his voice a low hiss. "Don't think for a second this changes anything. You're still nothing to me. Understand?"Yn's eyes fluttered open, filled with pain and fear, "I will not let you go off so easily, you'll dread the suffering but it will not end " he continued, hatred visible in his once loving eyes .
She managed a weak nod.
"Good," Jungkook said, standing up and dusting off his hands as if she had dirtied him. "Keep an eye on her," he instructed Nancy. "If anything happens before the doctor gets here, it'll be your head."

Nancy nodded frantically, tears brimming in her eyes as Jungkook turned and left the room, his mind already shifting back to more important matters.

Nancy remained by Yn's side , her hands shaking as she tried to regain hed composure, she soaked a cloth in cold water and gently patted yn's forehead which burned with fever . Moments lated the doorbell rang and just then Jimin walked in with a middle aged man , Nancy assumed he was the doctor and moved away to let him assess yn

"She needs urgent care sir , her rib is fractured though it may be minor and the bruises too . She needs proper care " The doctor sighed examining her
"Do what you can doctor" Jimin's voice resonated
"Move her to a hospital with proper medical staff sir " the doctor urged only to recieve a life threatening glare from jimin
" You know who called you right doctor , so shut your goddamn mouth and fix her up right over here , or else it won't take me seconds to do the same to you....maybe even worse" Jimin almost yelled
The doctor flinched as well as Nancy , she stood right between jimin and yn's bed , relatively close to yn's bed . The doctor nodded and began his work . Nancy hovered nearby , her anxiety palpable.
She glanced at jimin, who stood with his arms crossed over his chest .
" is there something else i can do?" Nancy spoke, her voice softly rang in his ears

"Do you have a medical degree?...no right so shut up and let the doctor do his job" his words came out harsh , more than Nancy's poor heart could handle . She swallowed hard and moved away from jimin . Silently praying for Yn's swift recovery.
After what felt like eternity, the doctor finished his work "I've stabilized her for now but she needs to be monitored closely .Make sure she gets plenty of rest and avoid any further stress on her "
The doctor walked near the door , jimin escorted him out "oh and these are the medicines she needs and please change her bandages soon" the doctor said , handing Jimin a piece of paper . To which jimin just nodded .

They walked out and Nancy sat next to yn
" i don't even know you , but what i do know is you don't deserve this .....you're like an angel , i hope you get betted soon" she said moving the unconscious girl's hair away from her face .Nancy didn't know yn but she felt so bad for Yn and her condition, no one should be treated like that.

A few minutes went buy and Jimin came inside the room with a bag , Nancy assumed those were the medicines.  She grabbed them and anxiously waited for jimin to leave , Jimin opened the door but stopped and looked back " Remember what Jungkook said? ....if anything happens to her , you're dead " Jimin said that with a smirk on his face , absolutely no remorse and it disgusted Nancy to the core , how could one be so cruel
Nancy nodded and turned the other way , her breathe was caught up until she heard the door close , she finally could breath again .

Nancy took out a mattress and laid it right beside Yn's bed , so she'll be near if yn needed anything.  It was night time now and had gotten quite late . Nancy tried her best to stay awake but sweet slumber lulled her to sleep .

Meanwhile jungkook sat in his office room located on the 3rd floor , he stood infront of the big window, from which he could see the huge flower garden , his mum liked flowers ....thus he grew them , but his mum could never see them
Jungkook chuckled bitterly, sipping his whiskey . He felt as if his mum was ashamed because of him .

"Honey , you don't go around killing a rabbit just because you felt like it , its wrong. Poor guy was innocent " A young woman of around 26 attempted to scold her young son of about 5 years
"But mum , that rabbit destroyed your favorite flower , he needed a lesson " the child stubbornly refused to hear anything else
" honey it is alright , we can grow more flowers . The rabbit was innocent my baby bunny" she laughed it off and squeezed his cheeks . She couldn't scold her baby , her reason to live .
"Mum, I'll always take care of your favorite things" ...."so will Jungkookie take care of mingyu when he grows up"
" Always....i will "

Yn lay on her bed , just woke up from her unconscious state.  The bruises , a reminder of the beating and the betrayal. She hated herself for being so naive , why ....just why???
She had loved Jungkook , believed his sweet words and charming smiles ...everything was a lie , a facade to pull me in .
Her thoughts drifted to her father and her little sister , Hyrin .
Her father , always so protective and strong for her ...must be so broken not aware of what is happening to his precious daughter.  He would be devastated.  His hard shell must be broken revealing the sad and unfortunate father he must be right now .
And hyrin, oh my sweet loving hyrin . Who looked up to her with those big trusting innocent eyes , the thought of never seeing them again of them never knowing what had become of her elder sister . Brought tears to yn's eyes and haunted each of her thoughts.

The biggest mystery to yn was ...Mingyu , what happened to him ? Dad and i didn't kill him . He wouldn't be dead . No ...no he ...can't be please be a nightmare...please

"I have to survive "she thought clenching her jaw .
"For them , i can't let Jungkook win"
She replayed everything from the first time she met jungkook to the last time leading to her captivity.  The way he manipulated her , played her emotions
She had been so naive
She hated herself for falling into his traps , the lies he laid out for her

"Oh so clever jungkook " not anymore
You have wronged me , i would like to return it back to you .
That naive girl was gone now , replaced by someone who had seen the darkness in him and still is standing

"I will get out of here no matted how long it takes " she vowed silently "and when i do , I'll  make him pay, I'll hurt him mentally and physically, i will ruin him . Everything he owns ....i will ruin you, and you won't see it coming. "
As she lay there, her resolve hardened.She would find a way out .
She will regain her freedom
Jungkook would regret ever crossing paths with her , and she would make sure of it.
Yn's eyes fluttered shut , exhaustion and pain lulling her to sleep , a fitful one for that matter.  But even in her dreams , the promise of revenge stands

" i will have to get someone on my side .......Nancy?"

Hey peepssss . I hope y'all are good
I hope you like this chapter , the original actually got deleted and i had go write this quickly 😭😭😭
My arm is all sore now . Anywayyy i hope you enjoy
Don't worry the next chapter is gonna be WAY MORE INTERESTING I PROMISE 😝😝

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