Ψ. you're an impostor.

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Ψ . . . SAIKI DID NOT ENJOY VISITING other people's houses. He already saw enough of his classmates at school without seeing how absurd they were in the comfort of their own home. He couldn't help but be surprised that not one of his classmates had a regular household. Nendo's parents who were carbon copies of one another. Kaido with his helicopter mom and odd siblings. Aren, whose house was straight out of a criminal gang movie. Not even Saiki's own house was normal, what with his parents who still acted like high-schoolers, and the stupid robotic cat that Kusuke had sent over.

With all of that in mind, Saiki wasn't looking forward to this visit to Gojo's house. Although they lived barely five minutes away from each other, Saiki wouldn't have gone at all if he and the others didn't have a group project to complete. From the glimpse he had seen the other day, Gojo's mother seemed nice enough, but who knew what horrors hid behind Gojo's door?

Toji was leaving his house when Saiki and the others approached Gojo's front door. A girl with long brown hair ran past Toji, Megumi close behind. Toji gave Saiki a sardonic smile and wave as he passed, seemingly recognizing him from the other day. It wasn't an outright threatening expression, but chills ran down Saiki's spine nonetheless.

"That's Gojo's neighbour, huh?" Aren said in a hushed voice. "Seems intimidating."

"He could be an agent for the Dark Reunion," Kaido whispered, also eyeing Toji.

Nendo grew a little misty-eyed as he watched Toji take Megumi's hand and follow the brown-haired girl down the street. "Reminds me of my own pop. He would've held my hand like that too."

Saiki knocked on Gojo's door, willing all three of them to shut up. Gojo's mother answered the door and smiled warmly at them.

"Good morning! You're here for a school project, right? They just went to the convenience store for a bit, and they'll be right back. Come in, come in!"

Everyone filed inside, not bothering to keep their ogling of Gojo's house discreet. The interior was strikingly normal. Neat and tidy, with a few homey touches and the smell of green tea wafting through the air. The house appeared to be empty save for Gojo's mother. No strange relatives. No annoying pets. No secret rooms.

How disappointing, everyone thought.

What a relief, Saiki thought.

"You can all head up to their room," Gojo's mother said. "Second door on the right. Let me know if you need anything."

The second floor of the house was just as normal as the main one. Saiki almost smiled at how quiet it was, admiring the peaceful sunlight slanting in through the windows and the dust motes drifting through the air.

"Well, this is boring," Kaido huffed. "I would've thought Gojo would have all kinds of stuff hiding around."

"They've got some baby photos over here," Aren called, examining the frames hung up along the hall.

"Ooh, yes! Let me take pictures of all the embarrassing ones," Nendo cackled, hurrying over.

Saiki couldn't care less about the photos, but once all three boys had gotten a look at them, a single bland thought radiated from their heads.

Oh geez.

Sighing, Saiki drifted over to the picture frames. It was what you expect: a baby Gojo with chubby cheeks, tufts of downy white hair, and eyes so large and blue they were like doll eyes. Saiki personally thought the Six Eyes took up too much of Gojo's face to render them truly cute, but then he realized what everyone was so fixated on.

The look on Gojo's face. Dull. Cold. Slightly imperious. Saiki had never seen a baby look more unimpressed.

Kaido was trying not to grimace. What's wrong with their face? Why do they look like they're gonna beat me up?

OBLINE, KUSUO SAIKI.Where stories live. Discover now