Ψ. another bowl please.

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Saiki groaned to himself, wondering just who was responsible for his bad luck today. He had unsuccessfully tried to beg out of today's ramen excursion, (since Gojo had been "kidnapped" last time) and now they had all run into Teruhashi on the way. Whatever happened to people just staying home on the weekend?

Gojo grinned while Kaido, Aren, and Nendo instantly began blushing like mad. "Takahashi, hey! What are you doing out here?"

"It's Teruhashi," the girl said with an impressive amount of restraint. "And I could ask you the same question."

"Nendo knows a great ramen spot so he's taking us!" Kaido barked out.

Aren nodded. "We're always keen on trying new things!"

"Yeah, we're gonna pig out—I mean eat like gentlemen," Nendo said.

"Ooh, ramen? I hope I'm not being too blunt by inviting myself along!" Teruhashi said sweetly.

"Uh, actually—" Gojo said, but everyone else had already agreed, puttering after Teruhashi like adoring puppies.

Gojo made a face, falling into step with Saiki. "What's up with everyone?"

That's just the kind of reaction that Teruhashi gets, Saiki said, indicating the oohs and ahhs that passersby were giving her. Actually, I'm more surprised that you aren't affected by her.

"Takahashi's cool but she's not really my type," Gojo said breezily.

Teruhashi nearly burst a blood vessel hearing that.

Not their type? What type could you have if it's not me? It's been weeks and still not one gasp of delight from Gojo! What's up with that? Are they really blind beneath those glasses? Isn't beauty supposed to attract beauty?

Gojo themself was attracting more than a few admiring glances. But they merely gave everyone a slightly cocky smile.

Is it just me, or does Takahashi not like me that much?

She considers you a rival, remember?

Gojo smiled crookedly. Well, let's see just how long she can keep up with me.

- Ψ -

Gojo's plan was nefarious. Saiki only agreed because he wanted Teruhashi gone and this outing cut short. Since Nendo only knew the name of the ramen shop, Saiki could mind-control everyone into thinking some dilapidated, run-down shop was what they were looking for. Once Teruhashi saw how awful the shop looked, she would make up an excuse to leave, thus proving Gojo's superior strength and cunning.

The shop Gojo took them too was little more than a decaying shack. Gojo smiled smugly at everyone's faces.

The sign is barely hanging on to the wall, Saiki said, taking it in. How did you find this place?

Shoko brought me and Suguru here as a joke once. We both nearly got food poisoning.

Gojo turned expectantly to Teruhashi. Sure enough, her mouth was already opening for an excuse, but Aren beat her to it.

"Oi, what the hell? We can't let Teruhashi eat in a run-down rat shack like this!"

"Yeah, it's barely fit for human company!" Kaido cried.

"The underside of my bed looks better than this," Nendo yelled.

They all turned to Teruhashi. "Teruhashi, you don't really want to eat here, do you?"

OBLINE, KUSUO SAIKI.Where stories live. Discover now