Ψ. are you a psychic because you're saiki?

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Maybe it had to do with their white hair, or the flashes of the Six Eyes from behind their glasses. Or maybe it was something else, considering he still couldn't hear any of their thoughts. But something made it easy for Saiki to find Gojo no matter where they were now, to anticipate their wild smile and glittering eyes. 

Today, when Saiki found Gojo sitting on the steps leading to the aquarium, they looked bemused to see him. "Hey, what's up? They don't sell any coffee jelly here."

You told me to come today.

"I did? I don't remember doing that."

Saiki was about to tell Gojo off for being forgetful when he realized that they were right. They hadn't told Saiki to come today. He had left the café yesterday before Gojo and Teruhashi had made plans. He was only here today because ...

Why had he come today? How had he even known Gojo would be at the aquarium? For once, Gojo hadn't cajoled him into going anywhere, but here he was anyway. Why? Since when had he ever enjoyed spending time with people outside of class?

"I don't mind that you're here," Gojo said hurriedly, watching the distress play out across Saiki's face. "I thought about inviting you yesterday, but I wasn't sure if aquariums were your style. But since you're here, you, me, and Teruhashi can go together. Or not. I know you like your solitude, reclusive hermit."

Gojo smiled at him. Saiki just looked off to the side, willing himself to get his expression under control.

"Sit." Gojo patted the space beside them on the steps. "Teruhashi probably won't be here for a while yet."

Saiki hesitantly sat, maintaining a respectable distance between the two of them. Oblivious, Gojo scooted over, already scrolling through pictures of Inoue Waka for Saiki to choose as their next wallpaper. Saiki was unable to offer any opinions, partly because Inoue Waka looked the same no matter which dress she wore, and partly because Gojo's knee was brushing against his and they seemed completely unaware of it.

Gojo was so excited about the aquarium that they might as well have been the same age as Yuuta and Megumi. They kept going on about the seahorses and the clownfish and the sharks. It should have been annoying, but Saiki found himself getting caught up in that excitement. He couldn't remember the last time he had been to an aquarium. He'd even brought his germanium ring to block out the thoughts of the fish and the people there so he could enjoy himself better.

"I wonder where Teruhashi is," Gojo said, stretching their feet out in front of them. "I want to go inside already."

I don't want Teruhashi to be here. The thought came out of nowhere. Not that Saiki ever wanted to be within ten feet of Teruhashi, but now more than ever he didn't want to see her.

He wanted Gojo to himself for the day.

Good grief. What are you thinking, Saiki?

 Gojo squinted at their phone. "Don't tell me she canceled at the last minute."

Would that be so bad? Saiki barely managed to keep from sending the thought to Gojo. He had to remind himself that technically he was the one who had messed up their plans. They had never invited him. In fact, the polite thing to do would have been to leave.

As though Saiki had willed it, Gojo received a text just then. "Oh, Teruhashi just texted that her brother's sick. She's staying at home to look after him." They smiled slightly. "That's sweet. She must really care about her brother."

No, her brother is just a creep who wants to keep her to himself.

Gojo sprang to their feet. "Well, since Teruhashi isn't coming, you have to be my date for today."

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