Resurrected Soul

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  Songs I think match this chapter :

Born To Die - Lana Del Rey

Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me - Lana Del Rey

Devil Like Me - Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Chapter 1 : Resurrected Soul

    Kyra was staring out into the wilderness as her fiancee, Sylas Barlowe, drove their fairly expensive grey Mercedes. She was lost, in thought, thinking back on her life and how it could've gone differently, because truthfully, she did love Sylas, but he wasn't the man she fell in love with anymore. He was much more controlling and tended to care more about appearances rather than their relationship. Kyra would never leave him though, they were to be married soon. She loved him, even if he wasn't the man she thought he was anymore. She was only 23 after all, she had her whole life ahead of her and didn't want to turn back now. She was ready to begin her long awaited life that she molded and picked at in her brain, envisioning the "perfect" life she wanted that Sylas could give her.

   She averted her attention to Sylas who was sitting beside her in the drivers seat. She met his gaze, his deep blue eyes piercing into her lush green ones. Kyra flashed him a small smile, Sylas did the same, but it didn't match his eyes, as his mind raced with the worries of his business and the meeting they were rushing to. Kyra reached down, her gaze shifting to their hands as she intertwines their fingers, Sylas giving her hand a little squeeze. She leans her head back into the seat, letting out a small sigh as she closed her eyes, just for a second, one split second. Everything changed.

   Kyra felt her body thrash, she lifted into the air as her eyes shot open. Her head snapped towards Sylas's seat, he had been knocked unconscious, his seat belt holding him in place, Kyra on the other hand, hadn't been wearing her seat belt. She let out an ear piercing scream as her body flew towards the windshield, and she flew through. Her body was smashed against the glass, causing it all to shatter, all of the shards of glass piercing her skin in different areas as she cried out in pain. Kyra called for help, she called for Sylas, the only person she had left in the world, before everything went black.

   ~ Sylas's POV ~

   It had been three days since the crash, and Kyra was nowhere to be found. I can still remember the intense wave of fear I got the day of the crash, I get a shiver down my spine every time I think of it. I had been in and out of consciousness when everything went down hill, I heard her screams, I heard her call my name, but I couldn't save her. I felt guilty, guilty for being here while she wasn't. The police had classified her as a missing person, but I knew they thought she was dead. I refused to believe what they were suggesting every time they brought up the thought. Eventually everyone gave up, they gave up looking for my beloved Kyra Hart, butI hated the thought of giving her up.I believe there is something more then what they are telling me, I believe someone took the love of my life, and I will find out who.

// Flash back //

   Kyra laid in a field, unconscious and pale from the amount of blood she had lost. She was gushing blood from all over it seemed, her whole body and clothes ripped from the shards of glass her body had rammed into. Her breathing was faint, she was practically wheezing and on the verge of death, there was no coming back from this. A dark figure appeared in the forest just a few feet away from Kyra's body. He stepped out of the shadows, and revealed himself, Elias Caddel, Sylas Barlowes' worst enemy.  Elias looked down at Kyra's body, scrunching his nose, the look on his face as if he saw Kyra as below him. He grimaced before glancing around, he let out a sigh, before stepping closer. He bent down, scooping up Kyra's body bridal style as if she weighed nothing, his surprisingly large arms wrapped around her firmly. He carried her off into the shadows, leaving a puddle of blood where Kyra had laid.

~ Elias's POV ~

   I peered down at the girl in my arms, I felt little to no guilt, but the crash wasn't meant for her. I knew it was wrong to leave the poor, innocent girl there. I carried her all the way back to my lab that was nearby, walking in as I held her head as if she was as fragile as glass. The shocked looks on all my followers faces showed that this was the last thing they expected from me. I rolled my eyes and again, looked down at her, my eyes quickly shifting away as I couldn't bear to look at her. I quickly handed her off to one of my scientists who I believed was qualified enough to treat her. "Treat her, she's pretty beat up but I want her alive. I have an idea for our beloved Sylas Barlowe." Elias said, a glint of darkness in his hazel eyes, his voice laced with venom. The scientist gave an unsure look, taking the fairly fragile girl into his arms, struggling a bit as he wasn't as strong as his leader. He carried her off under Elias's watchful gaze. 

   About thirty minutes had passed before the scientist came back, a look of fear and uncertainty clear on his face. Elias flashed him a glare before speaking, "What did you find, Ryland?" Elias questioned, arching a brow. The scientist, Ryland, let out a hesitant breath before speaking, "We cannot save her, Lord Elias. I am sorry." He practically squeaked. Elias stood up out of his chair, his brows furrowed in anger as he stepped closer to Ryland. Elias raised a hand, about to open his mouth to speak, "But we can save her soul my lord! We would just need to regrow her a body sir!" Ryland shouted, flinching, screwing his eyes shut as soon as Elias stepped close. Elias quickly backed up, letting out a breath before arching a brow, he got an idea. "Do it, she shall be my weapon, and a very important asset into getting the pathetic Sylas to turn over his power to us." He spat, his voice raising as he spoke Sylas's name, before a smirk spread across his sharp features. "Yes my lord Elias, right away." He whispered in fear, before quickly scurrying back Into the room, shutting the door behind him.

|| Three weeks later ||

   Three weeks had passed since Elias brought the body of Kyra Hart back to his lab. She was no longer salvageable, so they used her soul instead. Ryland, the scientist that worked on Kyra when she first showed up at their lab, was in charge of salvaging and caring for this  Resurrected Soul. In order to save her soul, and give her the life she needed, they had to regrow a whole new body for her conscious. This was a relatively new idea they had come up with before Kyra had even came into the picture, but every time they tested it, something went wrong. It was a long shot, but Elias felt he needed Kyra for his big plans. Ryland began growing the embryo, trying everything to keep it alive, he needed to keep the embryo alive until it was grown enough to come into the world, of course this wasn't the same as a normal embryo being grown in a woman. The embryo had to be pumped full of chemicals and nutrients that Ryland thought would help, but most of the things they pumped into the embryo weren't tested, they didn't know if this fetal development would even work. 

Finally after those weeks of desperately trying to grow the embryo, struggling to keep it alive, they saw progress. The embryo had grown into a fetus, which was strange as normally the embryo wouldn't grow into a fetus until the ninth week. This is when they found out, she was growing more rapidly than a normal baby would, and this delighted Elias more than he could express. He watched the embryo turn into a fetus in those weeks, an evil grin on his face almost every time he glanced at his science experiment, his plan was coming together.


Hey guys! As you can see this is the very first chapter of mine and my sisters first book. Please comment I would love to see what you guys think so far. We have been trying really hard with this idea and expanding it and we finally decided to write about it. I am aware this chapter is pretty short but it's just the first chapter, I am still getting the hang of everything and more or less just introducing the idea of this book so far. Thank you for reading and I hope you stick around. I hope you have a good rest of your day/night. :) <3

Love, Gren and Dez.

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