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Chapter 6 : Desperation

Songs I think match this chapter :

Exit music - Radiohead

I Don't Smoke - Mitski

PRIDE - Kendrick Lamar

I Found - Amber Run

~ Aneira's POV ~

I opened my eyes, my head pounding from what I assume was me fainting. I groaned in pain, holding my head before glancing around and noticing something. I was alone, and in a whole different place. I gasped, my lips parting as I jumped to my feet as quick as I could. My head snapped from left to right, trying to process where I was. I took in my surroundings, I was in a fairly empty room, the only things it consisted of being a small square platform, wide enough for one person to stand on, and two chains hanging from the ceiling on either side of it. I glanced next to the platform, spotting a metal table with a bunch of different things on it, all seeming to be weapons. My brows furrowed in confusion before I heard footsteps, and then a scream. I quickly threw myself behind the staircase that the door led to, watching intently.

Three figures came into view from the top of the staircase, and then a muffled scream. I hid myself well, trying to figure out who these people were. I watched them drag a girl down the stairs, only being able to see the back of her head as she screamed in agony from their hands being in her hair. They stood her on the platform, turning her around and linking the chains to her arms. It was Laena. I shot up from my hiding place, screaming for them to let her go, but none of them even glanced at me. I stepped towards the tallest of the figures, before looking down at my feet, I couldn't hear any of the steps I was taking. As soon as the realization hit me, everywhere around me flashed white. My vision slowly came back and I was in the same room, only Laena was different. She was cut and bruised, tears streaming down her innocent face. My eyes widened at the sight as I ran to her, trying to undo the ties but it was no use, I couldn't do anything, I wasn't there. Suddenly, all three figures entered the room, one walking towards the table and the other two checking the ties around Laena's wrists. "Please, it hurts. I beg you, I'm all she has left." Laena choked out, before sobbing. The shortest figure looked her in the eye, before quickly looking away and backing up, standing by the door with his hands behind his back.

I looked at all the figures, anger boiling up inside me. Why can't I fucking do anything? Before anymore thoughts could form in my mind, I was snapped out of my thoughts by a huge bang. My head shot up, the tallest figure walking away from the table, a large piece of wood, a paddle in his hand. My brows furrowed as I watched him, I looked into Laena's eyes but it was as if she saw right through me. Then all of a sudden, the man raised the paddle, and Laena closed her eyes, turning her face away, then finally, he slammed it against her stomach. Laena screamed, a blood curdling scream. I did the same, running towards the man, but again I couldn't do anything. He raised the paddle again, hitting her in the stomach. I dropped to my knees in front of Laena, I couldn't do anything but watch. Laena sobbed, letting out a scream, but her throat was so dry and raspy. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I had never cried before. The man walked behind her, and Laena exhaled, clutching the chains as if she knew something was coming. The man lifted the paddle, and hit her again, but on her back this time. Laena cried out, her tears rolling down her cheeks and hitting the floor. He raised the paddle again, and I felt all the air leave my lungs as he hit her back again, her knees buckled and she screamed, the chains being the only thing holding her up.

The shortest man looked away, staring at the door while the third figure in the room watched, not moving or speaking. "I'm sorry. Forgive me dear Laena, the happiest girl I've ever met. I wish I could help you." I pleaded, feeling more tears rolling down my cheeks. I knew she couldn't hear me, I knew I wasn't able to do anything even if I wanted to, but I needed to apologize. She was right in front of me and I couldn't help her. Laena let out one last sob, lowering her head in defeat as she gasped for hair. The man dropped the paddle, walking back to the table and grabbing a dagger. My eyes widened in terror as I assumed the worst. He walked up to Laena, ripping the front of her dress, and pressing the knife against her skin. She let out a scream as the figure carved something on her chest. After a what felt like forever the man moved away, and I read what he carved. "Whore", on the right side of her chest. The man smirked, staring at his work, "Now everyone will know what you are." He said in amusement. Laena stopped her tears from flowing, staring the man dead in the eye. "Fuck you." She hissed, straightening her legs out so she was standing again, she lunged at the man, the chains around her wrists pulling her back. All of a sudden the figure that had just been watching came up behind her, and Laena snapped her head around, trying to see what he was doing. I heard the sound of her dresses zipper being pulled down, fear rushed through my body. I jumped to my feet, praying they weren't going to do what she thought. The man ripped her dress from behind and Laena started crying again, she shook her head rapidly. "Please, no. Do anything you want to me but please don't do this." She pleaded, a sob escaping her lips as the taller man undid her chains, the man behind her holding her hands. They dragged her off the platform on the floor as she screamed. "No! Please I beg you no!" She screamed. I shouted along with her, "Leave her alone you fucking pathetic piece of shit. Get your fucking filthy hands off her." I pleaded, crying along with her before my vision flashed white again. When everything came back, my eyes landing on Laena, she was curled up in a corner, her dress ripped next to her as she stared into space, sniffling. As soon as I was about to speak, my vision flashed white again and everything went black.

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