LIV. perfect couple

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anupamaa :

I could see it in his eyes.
The glint of relief and gratefulness.
I wished to wrap myself in his embrace, and forget everything else. I wanted to beg for forgiveness for even reconsidering the offer.

What was wrong with me?
How could I even think of it?
Especially after everything that had happened between both of us in the last few months.

He had almost died for me, he had killed for me. The man who had once broken my ghungroos had kept a fast so that I won and fulfilled my dream.
He loved me more than I loved myself.

"That's so romantic.", We heard from behind.
His friend it was.
I somehow did not like the air of that man. Neither did I like Rittika getting close to my fiancee.
I drew in a deep breath and turned towards him.

"If you don't mind Vanraj.. May I have the mic? I mean someone must talk in your honour.", Rahul said with a wink.
I heard Mister Shah draw in a sharp breath, straightening up.
"Mic? Of course.", This was Pakhi who had been standing aside.

Obviously enjoying.
I had just accepted that my daughter was obsessed with watching her parents close.

"Anu.. Don't let..", I heard Mister Shah whisper softly.
For the first time, I heard a tremble in his voice. It was fear.

I was going to stop but Pakhi gave the man a mic.

He beamed, uncomfortably happy, as he walked down to the stage.
I glanced up at Mister Shah, he looked panicked, paleing two tones.

"Hello everyone! This is Rahul Duggal, Vanraj Shah's batchmate from good old days in college.", He started enthusiastically.
I found nothing wrong yet.

"I.. I will get back with a drink.", Mister Shah said abruptly as he immediately turned towards the bar.

"I still remember Vanraj at the canteen.. serving us chai and sandwiches."

Mister Shah froze.
He looked like his worst fear had come true.

I paused, allowing myself to grasp the situation.
"The torn shoes.. sometimes tattered shirt.. like no one would believe he studied in the same batch as us.", Rahul continued grinning, menancingly.
No, he had no intention of saying good. He just wanted to embarass.

I drew in a deep breath.

"Poor guy fell for the batch's prettiest girl. Rittika. Oh.. I still remember how Rittika had thrown that cheap payal Vanraj had bought for her. What was it made of though? City gold?"

For no reason, he found that funny.

I noticed the kids exchanging uncomfortable glances.
Mister Shah remained frozen, his face away from mine.

"Damn.. the rejection was brutal. Before the whole college, Rittika had thrown that payal on the floor..", Rittika looked down, not glad that the incident was recounted,
"Poor Vanraj was left crying in the canteen. Not gonna lie, it was hilarious of him to even think, a beautiful, rich girl like Rittika would say yes to him."

I glanced at Mister Shah again.
He straightened up, and turned to face the stage.

I could say, he had flashbacks of the pain.
The media was here, everyone was, even if I wished I couldn't snatch thaf mic from the man.
I walked down to Mister Shah, but he did not look at me. The pained look plastered on his face.

"Oh there was this one time.. I guess in second year.. wasn't it Rittika? When Vanraj got himself in trouble and was beaten up for Rittika. A broken bone or two.. but my brother here did not cry over it at all. Rittika had, after all, said yes. Now that's a completely different story that eventually she dumped him for a better future.", Rahul found this funny, for reasons I could not comprehend.

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